Howdy, everyone, this week we didn’t have much news but just now we have got the latest update from a trusted source GovetaXV about the Dragon Ball Super Episode 131 New Title. Also, this week there will be no Episode due to some marathon in Japan.
Here is what got revealed a few hours ago:
Interview of DBS Staff:
Episode 130 “An Unprecedented Super Showdown! The Ultimate Survival Battle!!” March 18th
Here is the leaked Image of 130:
A minute and a half remain in the Tournament of Power. Son Goku has had the upper hand battling Jiren initially. Jiren then concentrates and finally gets serious. Surrounded by a red aura, he dashes fiercely and fires a ki blast at Goku at point-blank range. Goku is totally blown away, from the spectator seats, Kuririn and the Turtle Hermit are worried, but…
Episode 131 “A Miraculous Conclusion! Farewell Goku! Until the Day We Meet Again!!” March 25th
Son Goku has fallen from the arena. It seems like Universe 7 has lost, and everyone will be annihilated, but… Having broken through his limits, Goku and Jiren, stare at the Omni-Kings, as if the match isn’t over yet. And then, a Death Beam hits Jiren’s back. A bruised and battered Universe 7 team member is standing there! (Freeza). It seems Dragon Ball Heroes already hinted for that.
130 Preview
This new form of Goku in Episode 130 with Silverish hair is just called ‘Ultra Instinct’, the earlier form of Dark Blue Aura (Shown in Episode 109, 116) is called Ultra Instinct Omen or the Symptoms of Ultra Instinct.
Vegeta’s New form’s name was revealed officially that is Super Saiyan God Evolution.
John Oppai (Owner of Anime LIve Reactions) tweeted about Goku vs Jiren Final Battle, Funimation commented that their money is on the ‘Silver Fox.’ We think that Silver Fox is being referred to Goku.
That’s all for today, make sure you all subscribe to our blog’s notifications.