Dragon Ball Super Episode 85 Preview
Here is the Dragon Ball Super Episode 85 Preview, The Kaioshins of each universe gather before the Tournament of Power! Although some suggest requesting the Omni King to reconsider, opinions differ and they are unable to form a plan, meanwhile, all of the Gods of Destruction except Beerus gather too, and hatch a scheme targeting Goku’s home Universe 7!
TITLE: “The Universes get into gear: each one’s thoughts”
Release Date: April 9th before the Tournament begins, the gods sound each other out?!
*Preview Breakdown!*
The Kaioshins of each universe gathers before the tournament of power! although some suggest requesting the Omni King to reconsider, opinions differ and they are unable to form a plan, meanwhile, all of the Gods of Destruction besides Beerus gather too, and hatch a scheme targeting Goku’s home universe 7!
Gohan gets piccolo in the team for the bout. Gohan visits his martial arts master piccolo to ask him to enter the tournament of power. We will be getting to see Goku and Buu this week.
Buu can’t wait for the main event! his body has really shaped up as a result of special training. He battles Goku in order to test out his current power. The preview of the episode we get to see the universe 11 fighters. The first look of Jiren and the other fighters from universe 11 which is, for now, said to be the strongest universe in the battle royal to be held in 36 hours. We see the gods of creations end up to no proper conclusion and also Majin Buu! He turned slim in just 2 hours of training!
Yes, it’s not a form he will be sustained for long as just after the preview he sees him back to chubby Buu. Though I call it the Fit Buu form.
Goku will now get Master Roshi and Android 17 in the team and we hope Master Roshi also has some amazing techniques below his sleeves. Piccolo might know the reason the Tournament of power is being held and might suggest something better than hiding the fact it’s a fight for everyone’s life.