The Devil Is a Part-Timer Season 2: When will it release and What to expect?

The Devil Is a Part-Timer!, also known as Hataraku Mao-sama!, is a 13 episode anime series adaptation of a light novel illustrated by Oniku and authored by Satoshi Wagahara. The series is popular for its fantasy elements with a dash of humor which makes viewers get engrossed in it.

After the conclusion of its first season, fans have been anticipating the release of season 2. Here’s everything you need to know about the next season.

When will the Second Season be released?

The first season of the anime aired from April 4, 2013 till June 27, 2013. It has been nearly eight years since the first instalment came out. However, after a long gap, the second season was announced at the Kadokawa Light Novel Expo on March 6, 2021. It was also further revealed that the original cast will be reprising their roles. 

As for the release date, the production team has not declared any notice on that. So it is difficult to speculate a date till further updates are given from the creators. Until then, those who need a little brushing up of the first season plot can in the meantime, check it out on Funimation

What can be expected from the upcoming season?

The story centres on Satan Jacob, the Demon Lord of Ente Isla, who flees to modern day Tokyo after the Hero Emilia subdues him. Satan adopts the name Sadao Maou and works at a fast food restaurant called MgRonald’s, while he tries to survive to find a way and return to Ente Isla. 

And ultimately, he discovers that Emilia too is in Tokyo, living under the name Emi Yusa and working at a call center company. In the last episode, it was shown how the relationship between Sadao and Emi has clearly changed. They have started harboring affection and concern for one another.

In the coming season, we can expect to see more on the transformed relation between Emi and Sadao. Since the first season used up two volumes of the original material, season 2 might be adapted from Volume 3 onwards. Stay tuned and keep checking in for updates!