Jump June-July Edition to Serialize Manga About A Hunter And Martial Artist

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WSJ, the oldest running magazine for the shonen genre, has announced two new manga serializations for the summer. Both of these upcoming manga have peculiar main characters you can’t help but be intrigued about.

Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump magazine announced the serialization of two new manga: Red Hood and Martial Arts Road: NERU (Neru: Bugei Dōgyō) for June-July.

Both of these mangas look super cool, and the posters look promising as well. The readers are always looking for something new. Therefore, we can expect something different from the storyline in both of these mangas.

Red Hood is a manga by Yūki Kawaguchi, which will start its serialization from Shonen Jump’s 30th issue releasing on June 28th, 2021.

The story is described as a new generation hunting fantasy. It is about a peculiar young man who stumbles upon a mysterious hunter, and that’s how the story of his great adventures begins.

The manga’s first chapter is expected to be 54 pages long! The one-shot of the same name published last year was praised a lot for its story and artwork.

It is possible that the same story and its aspects will be adapted in the first chapter. We may also get some more crucial details as the manga progresses.

The second manga is called -Martial Arts Road- NERU (Neru: Bugei Dōgyō) by Minya Hiraga. It will begin its serialization in Shonen Jump’s 31st issue that will come out on July 5th, 2021.

It is about a self-taught martial artist who came across a mysterious book. Now all he wants is to enroll in this prestigious academy where kids of respected and famous martial arts families attend.

The manga was previously published in issue 42 in 2020 exclusively for the digital version of WSJ. It lasted a total of four chapters and will now start serialization in Weekly Shonen Jump.

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Weekly Shonen Jump magazine is known to publish quality content for its readers, and I am sure that these two mangas are no less.

What do you think about them? Do tell us your thoughts and speculations in the comments!

Source: Weekly Shonen Jump Website

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