I Grow Stronger By Eating Chapter 54: Sir Clarke’s New Ability, Elf Arrives

Things are turning darker since Madam Holy decided to take matters into her hand. Well, I Grow Stronger By Eating is one of the popular mangas among the readers. The concept of rising above their grade just by eating other creatures captivated many people. But they will be surprised to learn their favorite spy won’t return in I Grow Stronger by Eating Chapter 54.

This is because Madam Holy Knight killed her, and now she’s trying her best to cover up her misdeeds. Meanwhile, Sir Clarke tries to get bottom of things to learn about Julio Aventuraz. There’s also a Cheetah spirit who keeps on eating hybrids in order to gain more power. But he will learn some setbacks soon. Keep reading to know more.

I Grow Stronger By Eating Chapter 54
Frost Mourne

I Grow Stronger By Eating Chapter 54 Preview: What Will Happen Next?

Sir Clarke knows quite well that Madam Holy Knight’s mistake will create chaos in their life. Since the woman she killed belonged to Adventurer Guild and the matter would take two years to resolve, it could be difficult for them to move freely on the street. Till then, they have to hide somewhere. Meanwhile, Sir Clarke tries to absorb the sea serpent’s abilities by eating it. But the news Sir Kim revealed will force them to either hide or fight with it.

Now that an Elf has appeared in the forest, they have to leave the place as soon as possible. Sir Clarke and Sir Kim believe it’s better to leave instead of facing him off. But Madam Holy won’t be on board. She will try to use her fighting skills and will be enchanted by the idea of absorbing magical skills from eating the Elf. But Sir Clarke won’t be on the same ground. They need to leave the place before things go out of their hand.

I Grow Stronger By Eating Chapter 54
Frost Mourne

A Quick Recap!

In the previous chapter Madam Holy Knight kidnapped an Adventurer Guild member. From the beginning, Madam Holy was suspicious of her, and her suspicion turned out right. So she tortured her to death to find the relevant clues. Meanwhile, a reporter appeared preparing a report on Guildmaster and the events connected to him. He wanted to reveal the truth. But before he could complete it, Sir Kim appeared from nowhere and silent him.

Later Sir Kim reported to Sir Clarke about everything and how he shut the reporter’s mouth. After their conversation ended, Sir Clarke went to Accommodation in Henial Desialto, where he found Madam Holy covered with blood. After taking a deep look at the place, he found out Madam Holy had turned an Adventurer Guild’s spy a hostage and had been torturing her. She died, Sir Clarke asked his one of trusty friends to cover things up.

I Grow Stronger By Eating Chapter 54
Frost Mourne

However, it wasn’t a small matter because it somehow linked to Julio Aventuraz. That will ultimately create more problems for everyone. So Sir Clarke’s friend asked him to leave the place and not to return for a while. So they headed Southeast of Henial Desialton, a Forest of no return. There Sir Clarke and Madam Holy had a feast together, where Madam Holy objected to why Sir Clarke was eating a raw serpent. But he refused to explain. Soon after he finished his meal, Sir Kim appeared and warned him an Elf had appeared in the forest.

I Grow Stronger By Eating Chapter 54: Release Date!

As of now, the author hasn’t revealed when I Grow Stronger By Eating Chapter 54 will return. Further, the episodes don’t follow a uniform release pattern. But we can expect Chapter 54 would release on May 2, 2022. It will be available on Mangatoo and Webtoons. Stay tuned. The Anime Daily will keep you updated.