Requiem of the Rose, inspired by Richard III, Receives Fall Anime Adaptation

You can find a manga version of just about anything. Don’t believe me? Go search for literary classics, and I guarantee you will find a manga adaptation. Requiem of the Rose King is a manga that adapts Shakespeare’s Richard III.

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Best of all, this manga about a Shakespearean classic is now getting an anime adaptation! I don’t know if I’m getting excited because I’m a literature nerd or if the news is really unique.

Requiem of the Rose King is getting adapted into an anime series that will debut in Fall 2021. Even though details about its staff and cast members have not been announced yet, they will be confirmed soon.

Although the series adapts Richard III, you cannot expect it to stick to the original piece completely. It is rather loosely inspired by the Shakespearean work. However, it is the best product we can expect out of such an ambitious adaptation.

SPOILERS AHEAD!This page contains spoilers from Requiem of the Rose King.

Richard has been portrayed as an intersex character in the series. Shakespeare’s original “deformed” character has been represented in a sensible way that also represents the LGBTQ+ community.

The protagonist faces anguish as he questions his position and sex. His mother has called him a monster from birth, which has left a huge psychological scar on him.

The manga features a gorgeous art style, and I cannot wait to see how the anime adapts it. Some censorship can be predicted in the anime, but it is not enough to dampen the fans’ excitement.

Information like studio name, confirmed release date have not been revealed yet. However, what I am waiting for are the trailer and visual releases!!

This historical anime adaptation that gives a fictional insight into the War of Roses will indeed be a treat!

About Requiem of the Rose King

Requiem of the Rose King is a dark fantasy manga adaptation of Shakespeare’s Richard III. It is created by Aya Kanno and licensed by Viz Media. It debuted in October 2013 in the Monthly Princess magazine.

Requiem of the Rose, inspired by Richard III, Receives Fall Anime Adaptation
Requiem of the Rose King | Source: Viz Media

Richard is the third son of the House of York, and he believes himself to be cursed and damned since birth. His longings will determine his fate. What will the War of Roses bring for him?

Source: Requiem of the Roses Twitter

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