What Is The Florian Triangle Mystery In One Piece?

The mystery of the Florian Triangle has been one of the most debated topics of One Piece. People love a good mystery story. On top of that, if there is a conspiracy theory involved with the case, then there is no better topic to ponder upon. The case of the Florian Triangle in One Piece follows a similar trail. According to the geography of the world in OP, the triangular stretch is located between Water 7 and Fish-Man Island. It is believed that no ship has ever been able to cross this stretch of the sea.

So, what causes all the mysterious sinking and disappearances in the Florian Triangle? What is the mystery behind the peculiar location? Here is all you need to know about this horrific arena in the One Piece seas.

Florian Triangle

What Causes The Disappearing?

The Florian Triangle first came to the forefront at the beginning of the Thriller Bark Arc of One Piece. It is believed that more than a hundred ships go missing while crossing this passage. In the first look of the triangle, it is shown that the place is surrounded by thick fog at all times. The case came to the limelight when Gecko Moria came to the frame. The arc revealed that it was the Thriller Bark that was behind all the missing ships.

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The leader, Gecko, was orchestrating all the disappearances within the valley. However, it was also revealed that Gecko Moria was only kidnapping the ships and stealing all the jewels. The men were left to leave the ship. Yet, the men were being found dead around the shores of the Florian Triangle. In fact, there was also a mysterious scene of glowing eyes within the shadows of the fog. The mystery of the place still remains intact. Even after Gecko’s unmasking, the incidents continued for a long time.

Florian Triangle

Who Rules The Florian Triangle?

As the show explained it, the Thriller Bark Ship was not exactly structured as a ship. It was a floating island that moved around the Florian Triangle. When Luffy and the crewmates were kidnapped in the ship, the Poltergeist on the ship did not come in front of the lot. Thus, the fans could never see the man behind all the incidents within the place.

The mystery of the Florian Triangle is still not resolved to date. Many suspects were convicted by Luffy’s crew. Most of them were guilty of some crime or the other. However, the disappearances never stopped. In fact, even as the Wano Kuni arc commences in One Piece, the missing cases continue to make the headlines. Some fans also believe this mystery is a bigger threat than Kaido and Orochi.

Florian Triangle

Once the War in Onigashima comes to a concluding point, the Straw Hats and the newly formed alliance may visit the triangle and try to get to the core of the problem. This was our prediction on the Florian Triangle mystery. Please share your thoughts with us in the comment box below. For more such exciting theories, The Anime Daily is your place.