Kakafukaka: Manga Rising Towards its Closure

Kakafukaka is a new adult Japanese manga written by Takumi Ishida. The story is about a woman who moves into a sharehouse and re-encounters her first love only for her to discover a major revelation.

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This year’s December issue of Kodansha’s Kiss magazine revealed that Takumi Ishida’s Kakafukaka manga will reach its climax in the magazine’s next issue on November 25.

The magazine revealed on Saturday about the manga’s ultimate ending this year. The manga debuted on 22 October 2018 and has had a good run for two years.

Kakafukaka: Manga Rising Towards its Closure
Kakafukaka | Source: IMDb

Kodansha Comics licensed the manga, and it published the 10th volume digitally in English on July 28. Recently, the 11th compiled book volume of the manga was shipped in Japan.

About Kakafukaka Manga

Kakafukaka follows 24-year-old Aki Terada as she has a hard time finding work and living a normal life. And out of nowhere, she gets dumped by her boyfriend.

She then begins to live at her friend’s share house and unexpectedly meets her high school boyfriend and helps cure her ex-boyfriend, Tomoya Hongyo, of a peculiar problem.

 For the past two years, he has been having trouble with his manhood. He’s experiencing impotence, or, to be blunt, he can’t get it up for anyone…

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