Top 5 Most Malevolent Anime Physicians

In most cultures, medical professionals are held in the highest regard. They treat their people’s many illnesses using knowledge gained over many years of research. But there are plenty of physicians in anime who aren’t interested in doing good. The five most villainous medical professionals from anime are profiled here.

Kabuto: Naruto

Kabuto: Naruto

One of the most formidable foes in the Naruto universe is Kabuto. Originally, he studied the ninjutsu-based medical system.As a result, he was able to turn his hands into chakra scalpels that could slash through his foes’ flesh and bone like butter.

Kabuto’s shady behavior has benefited him in other ways as well. To acquire an absurd array of skills, he merged the Sound Four’s DNA with his own. It also boosted his natural healing abilities, allowing him to recover quickly from any injury.

Doctor Hogback: One Piece

Doctor Hogback: One Piece

Gecko Moria’s most valuable ally in One Piece was Doctor Hogback. He consented to patch together several corpses and lay them out so that the villain could insert new shadows into each one. They banded together to form an army of the undead and prepared to storm the Florian Triangle.

Hogback’s loyalty was contingent on an unsettling arrangement. He requested that Gecko Moria put a shadow inside Cindry so that he could have her as his “bride.” Cindry’s soul pleaded for freedom, but as a zombie slave, she had no choice.

Neferpitou: Hunter X Hunter

Neferpitou: Hunter X Hunter

Hunter X Hunter’s Neferpitou was the chimaera ants’ equivalent of a doctor. Because their Nen ability was called “Doctor Blythe”, they could either dissect or heal their victims.

Meruem entrusted the repair of Komugi’s wounds to Neferpitou because of their exceptional competence. Neferpitou’s ability to lobotomize a hunter for investigative purposes is significant.

Cioccolata: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure

Cioccolata: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure

Cioccolata is JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure’s most depraved minor antagonist. The authority he had as a physician immediately intoxicated him. It pushed him to conduct experiments on his patients, pushing some of them over the edge of sanity.

Only Secco, who developed an unsettling attachment to Cioccolata, managed to keep his cool under his influence. Cioccolata was so taken with his new “pet” that he decided to keep him around.

Doctor Garaki Created Aberrations For All For One: My Hero Academia

Doctor Garaki Created Aberrations For All For One: My Hero Academia

When compared to other antagonists in My Hero Academia, Doctor Kyudai Garaki doesn’t play much of a role. Some of its most heinous characters, though, were his creation. He spliced together human bodies artificially, creating beings so formidable that even the greatest heroes had trouble defeating them.

In addition, it was Garaki who augmented Shigaraki into an unrivaled villain. However, he originally appeared as the physician who concluded Midoriya was Quirkless. The lack of superpowers in the young hero has led many fans to wonder if Garaki merely misdiagnosed him or if he had something to do with it.