25 Years of Pokemon: Special Stream and Post Malone Concert to Celebrate with Fans!

Growing up watching Pokémon, I always wondered what it would be like to be the best Pokémon trainer, have my very own Pikachu and train alongside Ash and his friends.

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As this iconic series reaches its 25th anniversary, I am once again waiting for my inner child to jump in excitement with some special news. Yes! our cute little Pikachu and his gang is turning 25! Feel old yet?

Pokémon is going to be holding a special stream titled “Pokémon Presents” on 26th February at 7:00 A.M. PDT.

Although, I am disappointed to tell you that it’s still a mystery as to what actually might be streamed in this live presentation.

Some fans predict that it could be the reveal of an upcoming series; others think it’s a new game announcement . All in all, I am just happy they are holding this event in the first place.

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That’s not all there is to the 25th Anniversary celebrations folks!

Post Malone has recently recorded a new version of Hootie and the Blowfish’s single for Pokémon that came out 25 years ago. The new single will be released separately and a special Post Malone concert will also be held to commemorate the anniversary and the new song launch.

So, gather you Jigglypuff light sticks for this epic virtual concert set to be live on 27th February at 7:00 P.M. ET.

With 25 years worth of anime, video games, merchandise and more, I’m sure you know how the obsession with Pokémons have taken the world by storm.

No wonder, content creators, celebrities and even musicians have taken an interest in this adorable franchise.

I can’t wait to see what this live stream finally announces. Fingers crossed in hopes of a new game or series!

About Pokémon

Pokemon, first released in 1996, is set up in a world where humans catch monsters and store them in pocket-sized poke-balls, thus the name Pocket Monsters or Pokemon.

They are creatures with an affinity to certain elements and some superhuman abilities related to that particular element.

Revolving around a teenage boy Ash Ketchum, it takes us through his journey to becoming the most accomplished Pokemon trainer the world has ever seen.

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