86 Eighty-Six Season 2 Episode 10: Frederica Confesses To Shin! Release Date
After more than five weeks, fans of 86 Eighty-Six can finally take a breath of relief. The ‘Production Issues’ that were causing a delay in the releases have been dealt while. While the behind-the-scenes picture is still unclear, it is safe to say that the rest of the series will release without hindrances. With a long-stretched war arc, the story has already reached the end-game. It is most likely that the second season will conclude with the much-awaited reunion between Shin and Lena. But before that, what will happen in 86 Eighty-Six Season 2 Episode 10? Here is everything that fans need to know about it.
In the next episode, fans can expect to see an emotional arc in the story. In the midst of all the fighting, Shin might realize that he is missing out on the human side of a soldier. Thus, he might accept Frederica’s offer. However, this might create a conflict between him and Lena.

86 Eighty-Six Season 2 Episode 10: Plot Details!
The next episode of 86 Eighty-Six is titled “All That’s Left.” The episode is likely to take up two plotlines. The first one concerns the Morpho attack. It is beginning to look like Shin’s crew might win this match with the help of the Federacy. However, it is his emotional state that is going to hinder the fights. Frederica confessed that she was developing feelings for him. Since joining the Federacy, Shin has locked all his feelings in one corner. However, Frederica has opened all wounds with her confession.
The other storyline that will take center stage in the outing is Kiriya. Towards the end of the previous episode, No-Face told that Kiriya to take care of the incoming forces. 86 Eighty-Six Season 2 Episode 10 will also touch upon Lena’s ongoing hunt for the truths. Between the Legions and the Federacy, who is lying to their soldiers?

Previous Chapter Recap!
In the 9th episode, the Morpho attack entered the final round. To help Shin and his crew, the Federacy sent in extra troops to distract the frontlines. On top of this, Grethe was also back with Shin to provide more supplies and resources. Meanwhile, Raiden was concerned about Shin. On Legion’s side, Shin had lost all sight of right and wrong and was attacking left-right and center. Thus, Raiden advised him to calm his senses. Later that night, Shin took a break from fighting and met with Frederica.
To Shin’s surprise, Frederica told him that he had developed a feeling for him. She also confessed that she wanted to move on from Kiriya. This was the first time that Shin expressed his feelings towards someone. Being brutally honest, he told her that he could not feel any desire or emotion after encountering death as close. The episode ended with Kiriya conversing with No-Face.

86 Eighty-Six Season 2 Episode 10: Release Date
For the last three weeks, all the episodes of 86 Eighty-Six were running on a weekly delay. Three episodes took an entire month to finish airing. Well, this is not the case with the next outing. The 10th episode is on its way with a timely release. Thus, 86 Eighty-Six Season 2 Episode 10 will release this Saturday on December 25, 2021. All episodes will release on Funimation with English subtitles. Thus, stay tuned with The Anime Daily for more updates.