86 Eighty-Six Season 2 Episode 9: Release Updates! Plot, Preview & More
For the past month, 86 Eighty-Six Season 2 has been delaying release after release. With each notification, fans find that production issues have not ceased. At the time of writing, it is not certain if the next episode is going to arrive on the due time. However, the next outing is set to release in the next two days. With the Morpho attack still ongoing, Shin and the crew is thriving to save not just themselves but also Frederica. Here is everything to know about 86 Eighty-Six Season 2 Episode 9.
The next episode will open with the same war. The bigger Morpho is still waiting for them outside the perimeter. Thus, the advancing troops and the existing crew will have to come up with a feasible defense strategy to counter the established forces. Fans are excited to see if Lena is going to come to the forefront in the next outing.

86 Eighty-Six Season 2 Episode 9: Plot Details!
The title of the ninth episode of the second season is “Together Unto Death.” As suggested by the title, the next episode already has an inspiring war cry to follow. Now that the Frederacy has sent additional troops for them, even Shin’s crew can charge ahead with maximum force. However, the most difficult step for them will be securing Fredrica’s guard. Shin knows that the Federacy wants them to win this war at any cost.
This is the reason why they have sent the little lady to them. As part of their heinous policy, little children are sent with soldiers as a bait of inspiration. Even though Shin was working to the best of his capacity, he was going to end the Morphos at any cost. Also, 86 Eighty-Six Season 2 Episode 9 is also lined up for a big revelation from Lena and the Republic. Can she find out about Shin’s new identity?

Previous Episode Recap!
The eighth episode of Eighty-Six was an action-packed outing. The episode opened with Shin’s crew approaching the Morpho for the final attack. However, as the first Morpho fell, Shin realized this was only the beginning of a long-fought battle. There were multiple Morpho machines waiting for them outside the parameter. And so, they discontinued the initial plan. The other side also realized this and charged ahead with their fullest potential.
Thus, to recuperate from the loss, the Federacy sent more of the troops from the army. The troops unfolded their incoming in many phases. First, the soldiers took away the injured members from Shin’s crew. When the troop reached Shin’s ship, little Frederica came running towards them. The crew could not dissect the meaning of her arrival. The episode closed on this harsh note.

86 Eighty-Six Season 2 Episode 9: Release Date
The fans of 86 Eighty-Six had never anticipated that the run of the series would turn out to be like this. Each week, the news of the delay has become a scheduled notice. However, luckily, there is no further delay in the premiere of 86 Eighty-Six Season 2 Episode 9. The episode is set to release this Sunday on December 19, 2021. The episode will be available on the official platforms of Crunchyroll. Thus, stay tuned with The Anime Daily to get more updates.