Top 5 All-Time Anime Opening Themes

When it comes to anime, the opening theme is almost as crucial as the show itself. The opening provides the audience a taste of what’s to come and establishes the mood. We’ve compiled a list of the top five opening tunes from anime history.

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“Duvet” by Bôa: Serial Experiments Lain


Serial Experiments Lain became one of the most underrated cartoons of its time, which is a crime. The show is about a communication system called Wired, and it looks at conversation and how people see themselves.

Serial Experiments Lain’s opening is pretty special. “Duvet” was written and played by the British alternative band Bôa. Alternative rock doesn’t usually go with anime openings, but this song goes well with the beautiful images of the OP.

“The Day” by Porno Graffiti: My Hero Academia

The Day

Porno Graffiti’s “The Day” serves as the theme song for the first episode of My Hero Academia.The opening themes for each season of My Hero Academia have consistently been well-received by viewers. The opening tune does a great job of setting the tone for what kind of person Deku will be.

The lyrics of the song suggest that Deku must risk everything in his quest to become the greatest hero of all time.

“Uragiri no Yuuyake” by Theater Rock: Durarara!!

Uragiri no Yuuyake

Even though it first aired in 2010, Durarara!! has maintained a sizable following base.A mysterious mystery with plenty of action, Durarara!! is set in modern day Tokyo. There was something for everyone in the story’s large array of characters and complex storyline twists.

The song “Uragiri no Yuuyake” by Theater Rock is a fantastic reflection of the show’s tone. The cheerful song showcases the main cast from the first season and provides insight into their relationships with one another.

“The Hero” by JAM Project: One-Punch Man

The Hero

While One-Punch Man was being released, the song “The Hero” became a viral sensation. The opening phrase of “One Punch!” became an instant classic and became beloved by listeners.

“The Hero” is appropriate for the humorous tone of One-Punch Man due to its focus on concepts of justice. The chorus builds on ideas of not desiring the praise that comes with being a hero, such as fame and making people saved happy.

Read: Demon Slayer Closes 2021 Summer Olympics with Iconic Theme Song

“Unravel” by TK; Tokyo Ghoul


Tokyo Ghoul’s “Unravel” is a stunning example of their vocal abilities. TK, the singer and guitarist of the band Ling Tosite Sigure, performs the opening theme. While Psycho-Pass is the band’s most well-known project, TK has also performed at numerous solo shows.

Ken Kaneki’s identity crisis is the subject of the song’s lyrics. Ken’s realizations about who he comes to a head during this song. In the first season of Tokyo Ghoul, “Unravel” is the lone opening theme.