Akame Ga Kill Manga Ending Explained! How Was It Different From The Anime?

More often than not, the debate about the perpetual endings of manga and anime fills the pages of Reddit and Twitter. Akame Ga Kill Manga Ending is not new to these streets. For the past four-five years, fans have been chalking out the differences between the two versions. While it cannot be denied that in order to serve a larger audience, anime needs to have more shock value than the original story, is it fair to change an entire ending? Here, we dissect both the anime’s ending and manga’s ending to see how the two vary from one another.

Akame Ga Kill Manga Ending

What Happened In The End?

Let us first talk about the ending that was displayed in the anime. For production reasons, most stories need to be cut short in twisted to certain levels. While this is not a bigger concern here, the large problem here is the major changes that came in the ending. So, in the final few episodes of the last season, there were many deaths that made the anime lose its original essence. As it happens, Akame managed to put up a good fight against Esdeath and won it as well.

After drawing the most appropriate backstories, these figures were stripped not only of the character development but of life itself. A similar end befell the character of Tatsumi. The entire season was building up towards a payoff. However, what followed in Episode 23 was the death of this character, more like a fly. Similarly, Mine was also given a congruent character arc by the anime creators. Before Tatsumi, Mine died in Episode 21.

Akame Ga Kill Manga Ending

Akame Ga Kill Manga Ending

To the relief of the fans, none of this happened in the manga. From the villains to the main characters, almost everyone is very much alive in the main story. Starting with Tatsumi, the character that is deemed to be the second protagonist of the story, is alive in the manga. Even now, fans have no idea as to why the anime makers decided to give his character an end. Instead, the character returned to his village in the end, and his body transformed into a dragon.

Likewise, Mine also did not die in the end. She went into a coma leaving Tatsumi believing that she would come back to life and be with him. In an epilogue, this does happen, and both Tatsumi and Mine spend the rest of their lives together. It is believed that they even had children at some point in time. Fans will be rejoiced to know that Kurome is also alive in the manga. Instead of giving the nemesis a sad story, the manga went ahead with serving the character with the repercussions of his actions.

Anime Ending

Another debate that surrounds the ending is PM Honest’s fate. No, the character was not killed in any of the versions. But yes, there was a huge change in the anime as compared to the manga. The anime shows Honest killed Leone. However, originally, Leone pushed the Prime Minister into a large crowd of angry people. Thus, the dictator was given quite a slow death.

Difference Between The Anime & Manga!

Aside from the changes listed above, there are many alterations that fans believe had no base. For instance, an entire arc is missing from the anime. The Wild Hunt Arc, which is one of the most interesting acts of the story, is missing in the anime adaptation. Wild Hunt is essentially a group of delinquents who committed the most brutal crimes under the disguise of the Empire’s Secret Police. Led by Honest’s Son, Syura, a group was formed in order to find these criminals.

One more thing that fans believe that the manga did better than the anime was giving closure to Akame’s character. In the anime, Akame decides to journey to the land of the East. However, anime Akame was going to the distant land because she thought that people wanted her to make this choice. This is where the manga gave her a better conclusion. She had many reasons to leave, one of them is killing the secret of the assassins hired by the Revolutionary Army. Plus, he had also decided to find the cure for the sword’s curse.

Akame Ga Kill Manga Ending

So, this was a brief analysis of Akame Ga Kill Manga Ending. We also saw how the manga’s ending had a variance from the anime. After comparing the two of them, which version do you believe is better. Share your thoughts with us in the comment box below. For more such exciting trivia, keep coming back to The Anime Daily.