Angels Of Death Ending Explained: Is Rachel Dead? Was It In Her Head?
Every year has that one anime that stands out from the rest. In 2018 it was the horror anime Angels of Death. Angels of Death is a dark anime series that tackles serious issues about mental health, suicide, murder, and violence. And any show that is that heavy on the dark side often balances it out with humor or more horror. But AOD is a show which cleverly balances the heavy stuff with loyalty to the show’s aesthetics and formulated plot-line.
The psychological thriller first debuted as a video game. The game released on Microsoft Windows and Nintendo Switch in 2015. Hoshikuzu KRNKRN developed the game and launched it in four languages. The show skyrocketed to fame after it was made available for iOS, Android, and Steam. The popularity of the game inspired a manga and novel adaptation. Though the show ended five years ago. Fans still question the show’s ending and cannot wrap their heads around it. So, is Rachel alive? Who killed her? Is Zack Alive? Keep reading to find out.

Angels Of Death Ending: What Happened?
The last episode of Angels of Death is titled ‘Stop Crying and Smile’. The episode aired on October 26, 2018. The episode starts with Danny and Gray. Gray shoots Danny to save Zack. At the same time, Zack picks up Rachel and escapes. Danny realizes that everyone around him is human. He admits that he is fascinated by Rachel and Zack’s relationship and how they seem to change each other. As his speech ends, the building collapses upon him and Gray ending both their lives.
Meanwhile, Zack and Rachel finally reach the surface to find police read for them. The police take Rachel to a hospital, then to a mental care facility. She is later informed that Zack is sentenced to death for his murder spree. He is also deemed guilty of kidnapping Rachel and murdering her parents. But, soon after that, Zack breaks into Rachel’s room to fulfill her oath. Zack and Rachel then leap out of the hospital window. Finally, when the police arrive, they find blood on the windowsill and Zack’s knife on the floor.

Was It All In Rachel’s Head?
The anime’s open ending has not made it easy for fans. Countless theories have surfaced on the internet over what happened in episode sixteen. One idea that fits closest to the anime’s theme is that it was all in Rachel’s head. It is known that Rachel hallucinates. So, what if she hallucinated about Zack? When Zack is shown breaking into Rachel’s room, he still has his scythe. The same scythe that was previously broken. However, as someone arrested Zack still has his same old clothes and bandages. This hints that maybe Zack didn’t really come there, and Rachel hallucinated. She wanted to die in his hands to that point, that she imagined him there.
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Does Zack Really Die?
Another mystery of the anime is that if Zack died. In the last episode, Zack is surrounded by police and taken into their custody. He is sentenced to death for murder and Rachel’s kidnapping. But, he somehow manages to break into Rachel’s room to fulfill his promise. Knowing Zack, it is clear that he cannot escape the prison all by himself. So it is hard to prove that he managed to break out of jail and meet Rachel.
Though it isn’t confirmed, the most logical explanation is that Zack did die. This idea supports the other argument that Rachel hallucinated and imagined Zack being there. Because even if Zack managed to break out of his prison. Why is he in the same clothes? Why is his scythe not broken? These questions suggest that Zack didn’t escape and probably died.

Is Zack Rachel’s Angel of Death?
After jumping out of the window, Zack and Rachel seem as if they are floating in the air. If Zack is dead, then it could be his ghost taking Rachel away. As the show’s name suggests, Zack came as the angel of death to kill Rachel and fulfill his promise. His scythe could be a symbol of the grim reaper. The grim reaper is often seen wearing a hooded robe and carrying a scythe. And this matches with Zack’s outfit, as he too wears a hoodie and carries a scythe. He kept his promise and came back to kill Rachel. This idea is the most popular theory as it supports the show’s title and ties all loose ends of the plot.

Angels of The Death is known for its open ending. The show makers wanted fans to speculate and come up with their conclusions. The anime received praise for its dedicated voice actors and immersive episodes. So, what did you think of the theories? Do you agree with any of them? Let us know in the comments section. For more like this, keep checking The Anime Daily website.