Animator Dormitory Project Shows The Reality of Animators in Japan

A harsh reality of struggle and exploitation lies behind your favorite anime. The exploitation of animators and artists in Japan has been coming to light for the past year, and it is genuinely heartbreaking.

The animators are not dealing with just health risks but severe financial situations as well. This prompts them to quit before earning a name for themselves. 

Japan is known for a lot of things, all thanks to the anime and manga industry, but only a few know about the reality of it. This topic has been popping up in conversations a lot due to the recent global popularity of anime.

That’s why non-profit organizations like the Animator Dormitory Project were established to help young animators follow their passion.

Animator Dormitory Project recently released a video portraying the financial struggles of a rookie animator.

The video states that almost 90% of animators quit and look for other options in the first 2-3 years of their anime career. This is due to the low wages, heavy workload, and high rates of living in Japan.

The wages are so low that it cannot sustain them in a city like Tokyo, even if they live in a one-room apartment. 

It has led to a huge problem in the industry as there aren’t enough animators to work on projects or carry on the work. Due to which the anime industry might soon die out.

Even though the anime industry is flourishing, the animators don’t get paid enough as inexperienced ones cannot reach the target needed. They do not have the skills to animate vast amounts of panels in a month like the more experienced ones.  

Organizations like the Animator Dormitory Project run on crowdfunding and try to help establish as many creators as possible. But that too sometimes fails when their resources are exhausted.

Moreover, when people consume their entertainment from pirated websites instead of official ones, the artists suffer a lot.

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This issue needs to be discussed more and suitable action taken as I would never want to live in a world without anime.

People like us can help in this situation by legally watching anime or donating to organizations like the Animator Dormitory!

Source: Animator Dormitory Project

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