AWESOME Ways To Celebrate World Otaku Day, This 15th December!!

World Otaku Day is finally here! Did you know about Otaku Day? There are high chances that you don’t. As sad as it is, not many people know about this special day.

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Not even the otakus themselves (atleast I didn’t for quite some time).

15th December, the day of us weebs, is here, and we can’t just let it slip without celebrating! Although not many people know about the day, those of us who do know can help spread the word.

So I have listed a few ways in which we can celebrate Otaku Day. Let’s take a look at them together.


Cosplay has got to be the first thing to pop up in your mind when you read about the day. I don’t think there is any otaku who doesn’t want to dress up as their favorite character at some point in their life.

AWESOME Ways To Celebrate World Otake Day, This 15th December!!
Otaku | Source: Fandom

We can cosplay as our favorite anime/manga characters and post pictures on social media sites. Or even better! Meet up with friends and arrange a small cosplay party. (Let’s not forget about the party pooper pandemic, though)

Anime/Manga Illustrations

This is a callout to all the artists out there who have drawn cute/sexy/smoldering pictures of anime characters but have kept it hidden. It’s time to bring out all of those closeted paintings and flood the internet with them.

We can post these with special hashtags signifying Otaku Day. In fact, people will also get to know about this day through such posts.

Binge Watching Anime (Persuading others into becoming an otaku)

Yes, I know that we do it every day already. Atleast now, we can binge-read/watch guilt-free for a whole day. Let’s forget about those pending assignments and give ourselves a much-deserved break.

AWESOME Ways To Celebrate World Otake Day, This 15th December!!
World Otaku Day | Source: Crunchyroll

To feel a bit more accomplished, why not persuade (coerce) another person to watch an anime with you? Yes, they might hate you later for leading them down this dark path with no return, but sharing is caring!

If you are confused about which is the best anime to recommend, we have a list for that too!

Top 20 Must-Watch Anime on “Netflix” & Where to Watch Them!

Here’s to hoping that we get more quality anime/manga in the future. Let’s dedicate today to celebrating the existence of this wonderful means of art and entertainment while being thankful for it.

If you have more ways in mind to celebrate this special day, then share them with us in the comments!

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