Berserk Beats Demon Slayer and Jujutsu Kaisen at Amazon Bestsellers!
The story Kentaro Miura weaved in Berserk strengthens us to find love and happiness despite the dark reality. Especially when we are all suffering from one adversity or another, and there is no end in sight.
Even with a long tenure, the series’ fans were excited as the manga was finally reaching its end. However, tragedy struck when Mangaka Kentaro Miura passed away on May 6 due to acute aortic dissection.
Due to which the Berserks fandom reunited to express their support to Kentaro Miura’s legacy.
According to Amazon’s Best Sellers list, Berserk Deluxe Edition manga’s all eight volumes have become the highest-ranking bestsellers. All eight volumes of Berserk now hold the top eight position.

Additionally, the ninth volume of the Berserk Deluxe Edition also has secured the eleventh top-selling position even though it was supposed to start selling from November 9, 2021.
Dark Horse Comics began reprinting the manga in the deluxe hardcover edition way back in February 2019. Each of the deluxe volumes compiles three standard volumes of the manga.
Fans of the series always appreciated the art and effort put into each page of the manga. Even though the series kept on going into hiatus, Berserk’s fans always supported Kentaro Miura.
How to watch Berserk? Watch order of Berserk Series
As of 2021, with more than 50 million copies in circulation, makes Berserk one of the top-selling manga of all time.
Even with such huge sales figures, the fate of the Berserk is still undecided, with no end in sight. Will Gut’s story ever end? Or a new Mangaka take the lead?
For a while, all we can have is patience.
About Berserk
Berserk is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kentaro Miura. As of May 2021, the Berserk manga had over 50 million copies in circulation, including digital versions, making it one of the best-selling manga series of all time.
Guts, the protagonist of the manga is a former mercenary who is also known as the Black Swordsman. He has a traumatic childhood and is also betrayed by the person who he learns to trust the most.
He is marked for death and his curse attracts demons to him. His quest is riddled with misfortune and darkness while he tries to seek revenge against his betrayer.
Source: Amazon, Twitter
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