Black Butler Chapter 191: Earl’s New Lesson! Release Date
A lot has happened in the past chapter, and now Earl will continue to fight back with them in Black Butler Chapter 191. The manga series focuses on Britain and the world where the battle was at its peak. With each passing chapter, the stakes also rise higher and higher. And now, the team will head to explore some more aspects of the fight and how things will change after then. Here is everything you need to know about the next outing.
Now in the 191st chapter, Earl will be glad to learn that he’s recovering. It won’t take much time to recover fully. Meanwhile, the nurse and doctor Chang will go on a new journey. They will head to a new land to start their practice. The battle will be over for good, and things will continue to settle down.

Black Butler Chapter 191: What Will Happen Next?
Earl will be happy to learn that things are getting better for the nurse, and now she can start a new life. As for him, he promises himself that he will learn to bake a pie this year and will surprise the love of his life. But he will take some more time to recover. It will be quite a depressing time outside the Athena Sanatorium. Dr. Chang and the nurse will pack their stuff to shift to Shanghai.
Everyone will welcome them and their new technology. As for Earl, he will recover soon and learn how to prepare a meal. He will finally learn to bake a pie and make fried eggs. Meanwhile, in the aristocratic family, they will have a pleasant time where they will enjoy the summertime. Their daughter will be all grown up now and pursue a home science career. They will be glad, and the battle will be over for good now. Everything seems to settle down, and people will start celebrating their freedom.

A Quick Recap!
Previously in Black Butler Chapter 190, Earl found himself in heaven and believed that he might have died. He felt so different, warm, and fluffy that he started wondering where he was. However, soon he saw a figure of an older man and thought that perhaps he could be god. But he cleared that nobody had died yet, and they were in the Athena Sanatorium. They rescued him, and now the sister was treating him.
She told him that he had lost a lot of blood in the war, so she asked everyone to volunteer. They gave their blood, and with the help of orientals and occidentals, they saved his life. But soon enough, the sister broke into tears, realizing that soon they had to close the nursing home. They couldn’t treat more patients anymore. But Dr. Chang suggested that she should go with him to Shanghai and live a happy life.

Black Butler Chapter 191: Release Date
Black Butler follows a monthly release pattern. So the 191st chapter will release on August 19, 2022. You can read it on the official pages of Shonen. The new chapter will focus on Earl’s growth and how he will transform into an incredible chef. Further, someone will grow up now and pursue a great career. At last, The Anime Daily will keep you updated.