That’s one hell of an injury Asta has suffered. It is getting hard to recognize the poor fellow at this point. And all of this came from just a little scuffle with Lucifero. We have no idea how the Knights will handle this Devil. We are hoping to find a ray of light in Black Clover 322.
One of the great things about this series is that we can see people having a new perception of Asta. He is no longer a dirty peasant with no magic and no skill.
He is a peasant who is now well respected amongst his peers and highly useful for this incredible skill! Even the captains are impressed by him.
It has been more than 3 weeks since the volume release and the sales haven’t reached 150 thousand. That is heartbreaking. We used to have better sales before. In one month, the current volume with sell around 140 thousand units.
We are not so sure about the future of the series.

We don’t believe that Asta will fight in Black Clover Manga 322 spoilers. But his spirit might be picked up by others while he gets the healing he deserves. Mimosa came up short and now, someone must help him.
Without Asta, this whole battle is pointless; no one can actually damage him.
Black Clover Chapter 322 Raw Scan Release Date
There is no break this week!
Black Clover 322 raw scans are scheduled to come out on February 2, 2022. Tabata sensei will have the chapter released in this week’s shonen jump issue. This is the raw version we are talking about.
The raws are scanned out, translated to various languages, typeset, redrawn, and cleaned. The process takes a couple of days and we can find the English fan version within 5th February 2022. You can google to find it on various sites.
However, the series also has an official release.
Black Clover Chapter 322 official English translations will be released on 6 February 2022. You can read them for free on viz website, mangaplus website, and the shonen jump app. These are all official, legal sources of reading.
My Hero Academia Chapter 342 and One Piece 1039 will also be out the same day to read on the Shonen Jump website.
Black Clover 322 Spoilers
The raw scan translations are finally out and we finally get to read some of the early spoilers.
- The title of Black Clover Chapter 322 is “The Vice Captain Of The Black Bulls”.
- First panel of the early spoilers show Nacht in his Equus form and Asta standing near him.
- Nacht says that apart from Asta’s anti-magic, there is nothing that can defeat Lucifero.
- Since Asta cannot do it alone, they are both going to battle together.
- Yuno and Mereoleona are keeping Lucifero busy in the meantime.
- Even Lucifero is worried about Asta and knows that he is the only hindrance in his path.
- Since he is busy, Lucifero asks Adramelech to take care of Asta.
- Adramelech is the name of the devil that emerged from the second gate.
- But she says no and would love watch Lucifero fight them instead.
- Is she an potential ally?
- Lucifero scans the area for Asta but doesn’t find him anywhere.
- Nacht uses his union mode to trap Lucifero and then Asta goes for a sneak attack.
- But Lucifero breaks free from the trap and goes to attack Nacht.
- At the last moment, Yami comes between them and stops Lucifero’s attack with his sword.
- There is no break next week!
As soon as we get more confirmed spoilers, we will post about them in this section. So we ask you to wait patiently for them.
Black Clover Manga 322 Discussion:
Mimosa tried hard to heal Asta. She has drastically improved her magical abilities and yet, her magic ended before Asta could be healed completely. This is probably because of the immense exhaustion of battle.
She has been fighting nonstop and healing others for sure. Maybe she will be helped in Black Clover 322.
What is Sekke thinking?
Throughout the current chapter, we see a development in Sekke. He is a classic example of people who try to take the easy way out. Born slightly talented, he was impressive in his village.
But out in the real world, he realized how weak he is.
However, he kept on being weak. He chose convenient paths for himself. On the current battlefield, he is amazed by the efforts of Yuno and Asta. He can’t believe their progress and tries to escape with Mimosa.
However, as he is shot down, he looks and marvels at Asta.
Sekke finally regrets his life. He finally stops the never-ending excuses. He finally expresses his disgust at himself for not trying hard enough. Black Clover Chapter 322 might show him attempting to fight.
What are the knights trying?
The captains have all been thrashed by Lucifero. However, they are toughing out the situation. And of course, Lady Mereoleona is the head. Her power level keeps on growing, unlike the others.
She is highly enthusiastic and keeps attacking the Devil. Her blows have little to no effect but she keeps trying.
Yuno is not falling behind. He is using his Conjunction magic to fight smartly alongside Mereoleona. And while he manages to get a surprise attack, he still can’t cut the villain.
Yuno realizes the power gap between him and the devil. Even someone who is blessed by mana falls short in front of the massive power of the devil.
In Black Clover 322 spoilers, we might see some help arrive. The way it is now, none of the knights should be capable of beating Lucifero. Not even a completely healed Asta would suffice.
Hence, we might see some new knights arrive.
What will Asta do?
Black Clover 322 raw scans will show Asta trying to fight again. Unfortunately, he is in no shape to do so. Mimosa healed him but it was just a tiny amount. He was knocked out cold and she just gave him the strength to stand up.
He definitely can’t fight despite all his resolve.
The raw scan translation and English Chapter spoilers will be out soon and all will be shared here in this article once out. So stay tuned and check our articles on Black Clover Episode 171 and Redo Of Healer while you wait.