In a recent tweet on Black Clover anime’s official Twitter account, it was announced that the fan-favorite anime series is ending on 30th March this year with the release of episode 170. But nothing has been announced related to the Black Clover Manga ending so there are several possibilities.
The official tweet also contained a note saying that ‘A serious announcement is waiting for us on the same day the anime series is ending’. So let’s discuss all the possibilities of what can happen once the anime ends
Black Clover Anime and Manga both ending?
Black Clover Anime is definitely ending on 30th march but when we talk about manga that’s not the case. If you are a manga reader you already know that the ongoing fights in the manga just started and they are not going to end soon.
Maybe Black Clover Anime is changing studios
This is also a possibility that Black Clover anime is shifting studios and the new studio might need some time for taking over the anime.
Also, Bleach is returning this year and Studio Pierrot might want to focus on this project. It can also that the anime studio will be the same after the studio gets their hands free from other projects.

Maybe they just want to avoid filler arcs/episodes?
Black Clover Episode 162 is going to cover chapters 240 to 243 from the manga and the manga is currently at chapter 280. If you calculate 4 chapters being animated per episode from now on this will reach chapter 275 but in the meantime, the manga will reach around chapter 290.
And there is no news related to the black clover manga ending so the manga will continue even after the anime ends. So there is also a possibility that this decision was taken to avoid filler arc/episodes to keep high-quality stuff only in anime.
A Black Clover Movie is being planned?
A Black Clover Movie is also a possibility because the manga is in a serious fight arc and for the conclusion of the current arc they might make a movie instead of TV episodes. If it is true then this decision might be taken at seeing the Demon Slayer Movie’s success.
Black Clover anime might get released season-wise from now on
This also a possibility that Black Clover anime might follow the same pattern My Hero Academia anime follows. If it is true the anime will return every year adapting one or two arcs.
We are open to all discussions on this topic. You can also correct us if we are wrong or missing some information. Also follow us on Facebook for more updates about Black Clover anime and weekly manga spoilers.