Black Clover Chapter 312 Serves Major Death Flag for Yami

Chapter 312 of Black Clover finally gave us a glimpse at Yami, but it made me more nervous than happy.

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Sure, I didn’t expect him to be in a cheerful condition, but Tabata-sensei just gave us a dim Yami who looks like he is on his deathbed, and it did not sit well with me.

The whole Black Bull squad was reunited in the chapter’s last panel, which should’ve made everything look bright, but Yami’s face on the side panel works to give it a bitter-sweet ending.

The Tree of Qliphoth is currently using Yami and William’s cores to stay open. So, of course, you can’t expect them to be fine while their energies are getting sucked to create a gateway to hell.

There are black cracks or veins along Yami’s face, and it looks like these are slowly creeping upon him. His life source might be entirely gone by the time the last gate opens.

Now, the question arises, will Asta and the others be able to save Yami before his core is exhausted?

There’s no denying the fact that chapter 312 served a major death flag for Yami. The always upbeat captain did not say any cheeky lines like “What took you so long?” but rather, the magic knights were greeted with Yami’s pale face.

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Yami’s death will devastate not only the Black Bulls but all magic knights. If Tabata-sensei uses his death to develop other characters, let’s just say not many fans will be happy.

About Black Clover

Black Clover is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yūki Tabata. It has been serialized in Shueisha’s Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine since February 16, 2015.

The story centers around Asta, a young boy seemingly born without any magic power, something that is unknown in the world he lives in; and his foster brother Yuno who received the rare four-leaf grimoire and has more magic power than most people! With his fellow mages from the Black Bulls, Asta plans to become the next Wizard King.

Source: BlackClover chapter 312

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