Black Clover Chapter 318 Delayed: Asta Vs. Lucifero! Release Date & Plot
One more week, the Black Clover manga is going to be on hiatus. The updated schedule of the manga suggests that Black Clover Chapter 318 is going to be on a weekly break. The previous chapter was split into two halves. The first half of the story looked into the celebrations of the victory over Lucifero. But in the second half, the devil came back as he completed his manifestation. So, here is all the fans need to know about the break.
While the plot details are still on pause, there are many hints that point towards an intense action sequence. The chapter itself will open with Lucifero attacking Asta head-on. On the other end, another devil is ready to attack Yami, Yuno, Langris, and the rest of the knights. Thus, readers are already guessing the fate of the fight in the new outing.

Black Clover Chapter 318: Plot Details!
With the delay in the release, the plot details of the new chapter are also on a halt this week. The next chapter will pick up the fight between Asta and Lucifero. The previous two chapters have been almost similar in context. Right when the team believed that they had won the fight, Lucifero’s manifestation began once again. But this time, the fight will take off to another level because of the arrival of the highest-ranking devil.
However, the knights also have an advantage on their side. This is Captain Yami and William. This suggests that the two knights might face the devil while Asta looks after Lucifero. Black Clover Chapter 318 will begin with an intense brawl between Asta and Lucifero. Also, the Black Bulls will be joining their captain to take down the devil who is manifesting powers to Lucifero.
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Previous Chapter Recap!
The 317th chapter of Black Clover opened with Lucifero’s defeat. But the gigantic body began to fall over the people of Spade. Thus, Mimosa Vermillion took out his Spirit of Euros and shot fiery arrows over the structure. The body disintegrated and people were saved from the structure. On the other side, Patolli saw William falling from the coffin. He took a flight and caught him in his arms. Langris’ was disappointed as he wanted to be the one to save him.
As the dust settled, the Black Bulls came in to meet with Captain Yami, who was proud of their bravery and valiance. Also, the Magic Knights came to praise Yuno for saving the day for Spade. However, the fight did not end here. A high-ranking demon came ordered them to notice the broken pieces of Lucifero’s manifestation. All the pieces integrated once again, and Lucifero emerged once again. Towards the end of the chapter, Lucifero bypassed all soldiers and flew right beside Asta.

Black Clover Chapter 318: Release Date
According to the updated calendar Viz, the latest chapter of Black Clover is going to be on a break. The new release date has been announced already. Thus, Black Clover Chapter 318 is scheduled to release next Sunday on January 3, 2022. Fans will be able to find the chapter only on the official website of Shonen and Viz Media. Stay tuned to this space to get more updates.