We feel for Bakugo, we really do. Shigaraki is deeply hurting his ego, as well as his body. That brief image of Bakugo getting crushed was incredibly unsettling. We just can’t stand to see our deuteragonist get crushed, literally. My Hero Academia Chapter 361 will show Bakugo’s next move.
The release of My Hero Academia Season 6 is set to be on October 1, 2022. The brand new promotional video is out and it looks totally amazing. We are very excited about this season.
With 65 million and more volumes in circulation, My Hero Academia is the third best-selling ongoing series from Shueisha at this moment. The latest is doing okayish with reasonable numbers.

It stands very close to 500 thousand and we are hoping that it will at least cross 600 thousand in this month. Still, we are hoping that the arrival of the anime will give a spike in the sales numbers.
The Big 3 are doing reasonably well for now. Nejire, Suneater, and Mirio have undeniably good teamwork and they are utilizing it well. However, their real challenge will come in Mha Chapter 361 and we are excited to see it.
My Hero Academia 361 Raw Scan
The final chapter of the month will soon be upon us. My Hero Academia Chapter 361 raws will be released in the upcoming issue of Weekly Shonen Jump. The date of release is 27 August 2022.
Following these, the fans will get to the translation process which does take a couple of days. The fan-translated English release of the chapter will take place on 30th August 2022. You can google to find it online.
Lastly, we will get the official English translations of My Hero Academia Manga 361 on August 31, 2022. These will be present in the viz and mangaplus websites and the shonen jump app.
We recommend these 3 sources since they are legal and charge us nothing to read.
One Piece Chapter 1055 and Record Of Ragnarok Chapter 66 will also be out soon for fans to read.
My Hero Academia Chapter 361 Discussion:
A single line from Mirio does a lot of damage to Shigaraki. While somewhat cliché, it hasn’t really been used in this series like this. Mirio readily said that since Shigaraki never had friends, he never realized the worth of people.
It really caught the villain off guard. We will see his reaction in My Hero Academia 361 spoilers.
Why is Shigaraki torturing Bakugo?
It hurts to see Bakugo get treated like trash. Shigaraki has dominated him completely and now, he is verbally ripping apart the young hero. We see that the villain is glad about losing his quirks momentarily.
Without his quirks, Shigaraki has the ability to break down the boy’s body and use it as fuel to anger Deku. Surely Midoriya can’t be calm when he sees Bakugo mutilated.
We see a brief image of Shigaraki crushing Bakugo, but it is just a thought for now.
He further says that Bakugo will be nothing but an afterthought in regard to Deku. And this somewhat breaks Dynamight from the inside. Bnha 361 will show if the young hero can recover.
What are the Big 3 doing?
Thanks to the big 3 stepping in, Bakugo got saved. Najire shot her waves, followed by Suneater’s attack to grab Shigaraki’s attention. They got overpowered but it succeeded in dividing the attention.
Mirio used this gap to sneak in and save Bakugo.
Mirio casually insults Shigaraki’s childhood, dealing emotional damage! He realizes that his lack of brute force will be a problem, so he has to guide the moves of his companions.
Mirio engages the villain, dedicated to holding off until Deku arrives. My Hero Academia 361 spoilers will show if the Big 3 can survive until then.
What is Bakugo’s state?
A beaten-up Bakugo is no one to scoff at. His will and his mental strength are unparalleled. Best Jeanist notices this when he steps in to patch up the young boy. He sees in the eyes that Bakugo has not given up.
My Hero Academia Chapter 361 raw scans will definitely show Bakugo getting up.
Dynamight is a truly remarkable hero, the one with the most character development! Hopefully, he can get himself healed and then fight again.
When Deku gets here, he would probably appreciate all the help he can get, since Shigaraki’s power is off the charts.
My Hero Academia 361 Spoilers:
The early raw scans have been leaked and we finally have some early spoilers to read.
The title of Chapter 361 is “Disaster” or “Accident”.

Bnha 361 begins with the image of a little Tenko Shimura inside Shigaraki’s head.
He remembers how he used to play with his friends and then he shouts that he was always kind and used to go on a walk with his dog.
He of course had friends in the past. Mirio is surprised to hear that and apologizes. She also realizes that Shigaraki’s real body must be extra tough.
All for one regains his consciousness and says that even though he and Shigaraki has become one, but he has not fully merged with Tomura Shigaraki yet.
We see Mirio start to walk towards Bakugou. Mirio asks Nejire and Tamaki to go for the fight while she uses the moment to rescue Bakugou.
Nejire and Jeanist start their attack against Shigaraki, but he defends them all with his mountain of fingers.
Unless we get leaks, we can’t verify if something is true or not. Once we get the confirmed spoilers of the mha chapter 361, we will post them in this section for you to enjoy.
Please be a little patient until then and keep visiting Orianime for all the latest news.