We are highly excited to read Boruto Chapter 68, as this will be where we get to confirm the present status of Boruto, will he become a villain or can he still be the hero?
The latest chapter of Boruto has been a wild one. Once again, Boruto comes face to face with Momoshiki. But this time, the latter is saving the life of the former.
The latest chapter has brought us closer to the first scene we saw. Boruto will no longer lose himself. Just like Kawaki, now he can freely use his karma. So the final confrontation between the two makes sense.
What we want to know now, is why they will clash in the first place. They are literally brothers at this point.

We all know that the cast of Naruto has not been treated well in this series. It was inevitable because if their full potential was shown, the kids would have no chance to shine. And what kind of shonen protagonist doesn’t shine?
Shikamaru was more or less useless in the last battle. He ended up being a burden and now, it seems like he will be a liability. Code has seemingly implanted his claw marks on Shikamaru and using those, he will sneak into Konoha.
Whether Code can get his limiter removed or not, might be the subject of Boruto 68 English Chapter. Code is definitely going to infiltrate. And given the flow of the story, we are inclined to believe that he will be successful. Can Konoha lay a trap for him? We’ll see.
Boruto Chapter 68 Raw Scan Release Date
The release of the raw scans takes place once every month. The February issue of the Monthly V Jump is still due. When the latest issue arrives, we will have the raw scans of Boruto 68. The date will be sometime around March 15, 2022.
For some reason, we do not usually get fan translations of Boruto. The official release is usually stolen and put up illegally. However, English translations make by scanlators aren’t that common and that is not a bad thing.
Within March 20, 2022, we will have the official English translations of Boruto Manga 68.
We highly recommend you to access them from the shonen jump app, or viz media or mangaplus site, since Dragon Ball Super Chapter 82 will also be available there.
These are legal sources and they put the chapter up for free. Reading from here supports the creators.
Boruto Manga 68 Discussion
Boruto is alive. But we all knew that was bound to happen. Even if he wasn’t the lead character, we would still know he lives. Because we have seen the future.
We know of the future confrontation. Boruto Chapter 68 will give us another hint towards how we reach that situation. Because in this chapter, a major question has been answered.
How was Code beaten?
In this chapter, Code was put in his place, all thanks to Kawaki. After unlocking his Ohtsutsuki powers for real, Kawaki showed incredible progress. Using the battle experience, he wiped the floor with Code.
What’s impressive is that he shrunk the claw marks to prevent the slippery dude from escaping.
Unfortunately, though, Code was just one step ahead. When Kawaki attacked him with the final charge, Code was forced to bring in Daemon. Using his abilities, the attack was prevented.
We know that this kid not only is ultra strong, but also can reflect the opponent’s attacks.
Using Daemon’s reflection, Kawaki’s charge was completely reversed and he got knocked out cold. In Boruto 68 raw scans, we will see when he manages to recover.
However, Eida is concerned about him. She has all her hopes pinned on to Kawaki after all.
What happened to Naruto?
Once more in this chapter, we see how incredibly kind Naruto is. He truly is a man who appreciates his family. For a moment there, Boruto seemed dead for real. It is said that the loss of a child is one of the greatest tragedies in a parent’s life.
Naruto was grieving his son’s apparent death, his brave son who gave his life for the greater good. And right there, was Kawaki, the killer.
Shikamaru suggested dealing with Kawaki, someone who murdered so confidently. However, once again, Naruto stood by Kawaki.
Naruto accepted the resolve and determination of the boys. He accepted that Kawaki did this all for him. And he chose to stand and support Kawaki, the person who murdered Boruto!
In Boruto chapter 68 spoilers, Kawaki will be grateful that his foster father and brother accept him.
What happened to Boruto?
It seems like our protagonist has incredible luck! His apparent death is the very reason he got saved. If Boruto had died, Momoshiki would be erased for good. In order to prevent this, Momoshiki compromised and merged 18 perfect of the karma with Boruto.
Right now, Boruto is a pure Ohtsutsuki who carries Momoshiki inside himself. It seems like his will and sanity will remain. So he does not have to fear being turned into Momoshiki. In one way, Boruto has won against the Ohtsutsuki.
However, he will now be Code’s target since the latter wants to feed him to the 10 tails. In Boruto Manga 68, we will see Code’s attempt towards this. And his first step is removing the limiter he has on himself.
Boruto 68 Spoilers
We are getting close to the spoiler release of the new chapter. However, it is still at least a week away. We expect the raw scans soon and after that, we will have the confirmed spoilers of Boruto Chapter 68.
We expect the date of release to be around March 15, 2022.
When the spoilers do get released, we will do our best to find them and put them here in this section. You can read all about it from us. So, remember to visit our website again do read our article on Mushoku Tensei Season 3 while you wait.