C3AFA Singapore 2020 Physical event has been canceled due to the ongoing Global Pandemic. But they have stated that the entire event is going to take place online. A similar case which is relatable to the AnimeJapan 2021 event. The entire committee came to this decision after prioritizing the health and safety of those attending the event offline in Singapore.
Initially, C3AFA Singapore 2020 was supposed to take place at the Suntec Singapore Convention and Exhibition Center. But due to government health and safety regulation, such vast events would be extremely dangerous to host. The entire scenario would not have been a smart move for the participants, investors, stakeholders, and the visitors themselves.
C3AFA Singapore 2020 Goes Online
C3AFA Singapore is an event that has been going on from as early as 2008. The event was a grand success and started gathering crowds like flies to honey. C3AFA Singapore is a safe place for all the crazy Japanese pop culture lovers who live in the country and also something to look forward to every single year.
The C3AFA Singapore 2020 will be held online on the 5th and 6th of December 2020. It’s actually not that far away and is definitely worth the wait. And to make things interesting, the entire online event will be free to stream online across the globe. They have truly stepped up their game for the greater cause. Further details regarding the online streaming are yet to be revealed and will be discussed shortly by C3AFA Singapore 2020.
What to Expect from C3AFA Singapore 2020 Online?
The event will consist of exclusive topics from curated guests and also exclusive Japanese Pop Culture Merchandise from partnered companies. Although the complete experience of physically being present and meeting your favorite characters in person will not be possible, it is still good enough o keep the spirit alive.
“We look forward to meeting all our customers and stakeholders online instead this year and hope to see continued support from everyone, as we all stand in solidarity towards a brighter future together.
For companies and businesses interested in joining AFA Singapore Online 2020 and other upcoming initiatives planned by SOZO, please email us at [email protected]”
– Shawn Chin (Festival Director and Managing Director) Sozo Pte. Ltd.
About Anime Festival Asia
Anime festival Asia is the largest Japanese pop-culture event in the entire south-east Asia. It has around 678,000 engaged audience since 2008. The event spans across all the major countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore. Anime Festival Asia has become a household name for all the Japanese pop culture fan living in the south east part of asia.
Seeing organizations such as SOZO host such events truly gives a heart warming feeling. Most weebs don’t go out much nor do they have much social lives. Such events make them unleash their inner weeb and enjoy till their heart’s content.