Attack on Titan is currently one of the most popular anime amongst otakus. Its fourth and final season, animated by MAPPA studio is due on 7th December 2020. Continue scrolling to keep readingClick the button below to start this article in quick view. Start Quick
Category: Attack on Titan
Otakus, like us, dream of living in an anime world, along with anime characters. The one anime world in which we do not want to be a part is definitely Attack on Titan. To put it simply, it is the Hunger Games of anime. The
Attack on Titan is one of those anime that takes the viewer through a roller-coaster ride of emotions. Continue scrolling to keep readingClick the button below to start this article in quick view. Start Quick Read The plot in itself is unique and shows giant
Attack on Titan is currently one of the most popular anime. The unique concept of giant monsters called “titans” attacking and consuming humans has attracted a huge gore-loving audience. Continue scrolling to keep readingClick the button below to start this article in quick view. Start
Attack on Titan is one of the top anime which doesn’t shy away from putting the viewers through misery. We can’t relax in a single episode, because we never know who gets killed next! Continue scrolling to keep readingClick the button below to start this
Attack on Titan is an anime that follows humanity after it has isolated itself in three concentric walls to protect itself from Titans. Eren Yeager, our protagonist, dreams of going beyond the walls and thus, begins his journey to fight for humanity’s freedom against the
Anime and manga have, no doubt, influenced the lives of its fans. I’m not just talking about using “baka” instead of stupid or cosplaying as anime characters. I’m talking about a change that it brings into the thoughts and perspectives of people. Continue scrolling to
Chapter 131 of Attack on Titan was one of the most emotionally charged chapters of the whole series. Eren appears, and we get a glimpse into the conflicts that he is going through. Continue scrolling to keep readingClick the button below to start this article
Attack on Titan’s fourth and final season was announced shortly after its third season in July 2019. The twisted and dark story of Eren, Mikasa, and Armin is finally coming to an end, and fans couldn’t be more excited for the series finale. The final
Earlier today Attack on Titan Season 3 Part 2 revealed a brand new Key Visual. The anime will be returning after a long six month hiatus this April. Here is all we know about Attack on Titan Season 3 Part 2. Key Visual Release Date
Pony Canyon streamed the first Attack on Titan Season 3 Cour 2 trailer. The anime reportedly went on hiatus just before the start of a much-awaited arc. The anime will return in Spring 2019. The 90- second trailer features the new opening theme which will
Extracted frames from the ED Hello, everyone. Just before the start of the most awaited arc the anime Attack on Titan also known as ‘Shingeki no Kyojin’ has reportedly went on a hiatus and its longer than fans speculated. The anime will return in Spring