The two major anime streaming websites, Funimation and Crunchyroll, have confirmed that Attack on Titan: The Final Season Part Two will be available on their platforms. From January 9, 2021, the final instalment will be simul-streamed. In the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Latin
Category: Attack on Titan
Attack on Titan: The Final Season has kept all the fans on their toes for quite a while now. As soon as it was announced that the fourth season would have two cours, the hearts of fans could be heard shattering all around the globe.
One of the most heartbreaking aspects of Attack on Titan was the discrimination faced by Eldians in Marleyan Territory. All of them were forced to live in ghettoes like Liberio Internment Zone. The Eldians in Marley were required to wear an armband that identified them
Anime merchandise can get out of hands sometimes, and recently, Attack on Titan remains a testament to that. Continue scrolling to keep readingClick the button below to start this article in quick view. Start Quick Read Just when I thought that the Levi vacuum cleaner
Attack on Titan Season 4 Part 2 will premiere on January 9, 2022. On November 14, a special Attack on Titan event was held and a lot of juicy details were revealed which will be of interest to many fans. A new key graphic was
Unlike the show that makes you cry tears of blood, Attack on Titan’s interviews and events are much more lively and wholesome than you can imagine. Continue scrolling to keep readingClick the button below to start this article in quick view. Start Quick Read Not
Attack on Titan has had its fair share of political controversy, but the show itself isn’t getting any heat this time. Instead, the series is now merely connected with a distasteful attempt at being a memester by a politician. Continue scrolling to keep readingClick the
While the creators have confirmed that Attack on Titan Season 4 Part 2 will be released on January 9, 2021, many fans are still struggling to come to terms with the fact that they’ll have to wait for 2 months more. That’s why we bring
Attack on Titan has confirmed the January release date of part two to the final season. But is that enough to keep fans sated? Not really. Continue scrolling to keep readingClick the button below to start this article in quick view. Start Quick Read The
The hashtag “Levi” trended worldwide following the publication of a new teaser for the second half of Attack on Titan’s last season, as anime-only fans talked about their concern about the appearance of one of anime’s most popular and beloved heroes. The latest clip, which
Eren and Reiner’s staring match was interrupted midway when the Attack on Titan: The Final Season’s Part One ended. I’m here to tell you that the time has come when you will be able to see them getting down to action. Continue scrolling to keep
Even after its conclusion, the Attack on Titan manga is still buzzing and making people go crazy over it. No matter where you are in the world, you’re bound to get a random ‘Yeager’ from the crowd if you shout ‘Eren.’ Continue scrolling to keep