Banished from the Heroes’ Party is a fantasy/adventure slice-of-life series produced by Wolfsbane and Studio Flad. For a show that comes across initially as a light-hearted story about a former adventurer settling into the quiet life, Banished from the Hero’s Party tackles numerous themes that
Category: Banished From The Heroes’ Party
‘Banished from the Heroes’ Party’ received its anime debut in the fall of 2021, but due to its average rating and skepticism among fans, a second season seemed out of the question. Well, it looks like we never should have doubted the series because the
One must always pay a price to live a peaceful life, be it in real life or anime. Banished From The Heroes’ Party is a one of its kind anime since its protagonist does not go out of his way to save the others. Red
Banished from the Heroes’ Party is quite different from other manga/anime based on knights. The protagonist isn’t an all-powerful fighter but rather someone who wants to live in peace. However, he has to pay a price for that peace. Continue scrolling to keep readingClick the