Bartender, written by Araki Joh and illustrated by Kenji Nagatomo, is one of the most well-known manga series in the world. The show follows a bartender as he serves drinks and converses with the patrons who frequent his establishment. The manga has become very popular
Category: Bartender
I think you’ll really appreciate Bartender: Glass of God if you’re looking for a movie where the words matter more than the action. When compared to the other, more outlandish and unrealistic anime, I found it to be a welcome change of pace. There are
Bartending is a complicated job. While making a drink is a part of your responsibility, that’s not the entirety of it. Araki Joh and Kenji Nagatomo’s ‘Bartender’ manga portrays Ryu Sakura, a mixologist who has magic hands. Not everyone comes to a bar to drink