Happy news awaits the fans of Dr. Ramune – Mysterious Disease Specialist from Southeast Asia. Dr. Ramune and his wacky patients will soon be gracing our nearest screens this Winter! This upcoming anime adaptation of the manga (of the same name), written and illustrated by
Category: Dr. Ramune Mysterious Disease Specialist
Dr Ramune-Mysterious Disease Specialist is an upcoming anime adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Toro Aho. It is about a doctor and an apprentice fighting a mysterious disease that even modern medicine cannot cure. Continue scrolling to keep readingClick the button below to
A website was opened on Sunday to announce that a TV anime adaptation of Aho Toro’s Kaibyōi Ramune manga will premiere next January. Continue scrolling to keep readingClick the button below to start this article in quick view. Start Quick Read Crunchyroll reports that it