The newest anime adaptation of the renowned otome franchise Hakuoki is almost upon us. To hype us up, Studio Deen has called on the longest-serving member of the franchise’s staff to deliver a new piece of art. Continue scrolling to keep readingClick the button below
Category: Hakuoki
Hakuoki is one of the most beloved otome franchises ever. It seems like ever since its release, we get it in some form or another, be it a spinoff game, an anime, movie, or OVA, like this time around. The OVA’s story, like the original
Otome games have been on the rise, getting popular each day. However, one otome game that stands out from the rest is Hakuōki. It also has many OVAs, anime, and other media adaptations for the ones who can’t get enough of it. The gripping storyline