The wrestling manga Kinnikuman, which began in 1979 and was created by the manga artist pair known as Yudetamago, produced a popular anime series in 1983, followed by films and other media. The series was even re-released in North America as Ultimate Muscle: The Kinnikuman
Category: Kinnikuman
Kinnikuman: The Lost Legend series is the type of live-action adaptation that fans are looking forward to. Considering the track record of such adaptations, there is not much to live up to. Continue scrolling to keep readingClick the button below to start this article in
Yudetamago’s “Kinnikuman” manga series has been a massive hit since its publication in the 1980s. The intermixing of the sports and comedy genres has captured the heart of many fans worldwide. Originally planned as a parody of the famous Ultraman series, Kinnikuman grew into a