Life often disappoints humans. Sarasa, the protagonist of the ‘Management of Novice Alchemist’ anime, is a first-hand sufferer of this fact. She thought graduating from a prestigious alchemist academy would guarantee a safe future. Little did she know that a passage through fire was waiting
Category: Management of Novice Alchemist
Doctors really do have it the worst. First, you go through years of training and then get treated like trash. At least that’s the experience of Sarasa from ‘Management of Novice Alchemist’ anime. Continue scrolling to keep readingClick the button below to start this article
Imagine spending half your life studying in medical school, with no social life, and as you finally pass out, you are met with disappointment. If this scenario struck too close to your heart then I bet you’d relate to the Management of Novice Alchemist anime.
Management of Novice Alchemist is an upcoming anime series that will give you a harsh reality check. Why so? Because Sarasa, the protagonist, realizes immediately after graduation that she will have to live in a dilapidated house till her skills improve. Continue scrolling to keep