The anime adaptation of Oyukiumi no Kaina or Kaina of the Great Snow Sea has not even arrived on screens and we have received the news of another installment. You don’t get to see that every time, at least not when we are just a
Category: Oyukiumi no Kaina
Something about a boy-meets-girl story with a dystopian backdrop is so tragically beautiful that you can’t get enough of it. Tsutomu Nihei and Polygon Pictures are a pair that knows how to ace this trope, and the ‘Kaina of the Great Snow Sea’ anime is
Tsutomu Nihei, the creator of brilliant anime movies like Blame! and Knights of Sidonia, will be back with a brand new project in 2022. Ōyukiumi no Kaina is the working title of the new anime, and its tagline is “boy-meets-girl high fantasy.” Continue scrolling to