A film adaptation of the uplifting tale first published in the Japanese children’s comic The Klutzy Witches is in the works. The manga was written by Satoko Narita. All the drawings were done by Enga Senno. The popular manga is going to be turned into
Category: The Klutzy Witch
Satoko Narita’s The Klutzy Witch novel series recently got slated for an anime film adaptation. Production I.G. took up the job to animate this beautiful and adventurous tale, which we can barely wait for. Although the novel series is not that popular within the otaku
Has your clumsiness ever landed you in some big trouble? If yes, then you’ll relate hard to ‘The Klutzy Witch’ Fuuka. This klutz unsealed and unleashed a dark witch upon the world due to her clumsy personality and now has to save everyone. This story