Chapter 352 of Black Clover is called “Cracking the Code!” Release Date & Plot
This final showdown with the Paladins has been building in recent chapters. Also, the showdown at the end will be nothing short of epic, which is what fans want to hear. Meanwhile, the day of judgment is quickly approaching (just three days away, in fact). Asta and his allies face a daunting challenge as they attempt to defeat a dragon with five heads. That being said, here is the latest on when you can expect to read Black Clover Chapter 352 and what will happen in it.
Asta will have a hard time scratching the Dragon the next time they meet in Black Clover. It is impervious to magic due to its multiple layers of defense. Read on to learn everything you need to know about this topic!

Black Clover Chapter 352: What’ll Happen Next?
Black Clover Chapter 352 has not yet been given a title. Asta’s anti-magic attacks on the dragon are rendered ineffective in the latest chapter. But he realizes the beast is protecting something. Based on this new knowledge, he decides to stop worrying about killing the dragon and instead investigate what it is guarding. Meanwhile, Yosuga continues to dominate Heath in their ongoing fight. In the middle of the battle, Yosuga reveals that Ryu gave up his Yoryoku in order to help others.
In the past, when an epidemic swept through Koushuu and Goshuu, this actually occurred. Yosuka is taken aback by this news because he always thought Ryu was foolish for giving up his ambitions to become a Shogun. Ryu’s sacrifice was not in vain, Yosuga concludes. But it shows how kind and courageous he is as a person. While that was going on, Yosuga dealt Heath his fatal blow. He thinks about how Ryu’s generosity won him the respect of the community.

As a result, he qualified as a potential Shogun. Next, Yosuga looks at Asta. He thinks he could carry on Ryu’s legacy. He suggests they join forces to learn what the dragon is keeping hidden. And together, they will protect the Land of the Sun from an unexpected foe. A willing Asta joins her to investigate the dragon’s disappearance.
A Quick Summary!
In the first scene of “With the Shogun of the Land of the Sun,” found in Black Clover Chapter 351, Asta uses his anti-magic power to defeat a dragon. Heath is fighting Yosuga, who mocks Heath’s showy moves. Heath retorts that, in his quest to make the world perfect for Lucius, he has no room for failure.
This chapter is a flashback to Yosuka’s youth, when he and Ryu would spar over who would grow up to be the greater Shogun. Soon after, a devastating pandemic strikes the neighboring regions of Koushuu and Goshuu, taking the lives of countless people. The only hope for the people was a long-lost herb. Tengentsu, Ryuya’s unique perceptual skill, is required to find it.

The fight between Yosuga and Heath continues, and Yosuga ultimately prevails thanks to an Iron Yojutsu attack. Then, Yosuga proposes to Asta that they turn him into a man so that he can achieve the same success as Ryu, who was able to win the hearts of the people despite his lack of Yoryoku. To leave readers on a cliffhanger, the chapter ends here.
Black Clover Chapter 352: Release Date
In just two days, the newest chapter will be available to readers. On February 20, 2023, Black Clover Chapter 352 will be released. In the meantime, it can be read in Shonen Jump, Manga Plus, and Viz Media. Repeated visits to this page will ensure that you are aware of any changes. Keep reading Orianime!