Dance Dance Danseur Episode 9: Are Miyako & Junpei A Couple? Release Date & Plot

Dance Dance Danseur Episode 9 will release further this week. The show focuses on Junpei and his growing passion for ballet. The lead has set his eyes upon Miyako, who likes her cousin, Ruou. As the series progresses, Miyako is seen spending more time with Junpei. However, there is one thing that the duo lack. It is synchronization while dancing. Junpei has recently found himself matching the levels with Natsuki. So, will Junpei’s confession to Miyako create issues in his dancing with Natsuki? What will Ruou do about it? Here is everything about the latest outing.

In the following chapter, the show is likely to find Ruou’s passion for ballet elevating. He has been avoiding many things currently. Moreover, he was sure that Miyako only liked him. After Miyako’s confession for Junpei, Ruou might take some time to rethink some things once again.

Dance Dance Danseur Episode 9

Dance Dance Danseur Episode 9: What Will Happen Next?

So, the last episode found Ruou having to watch Miyako and Junpei kiss and confess their hidden feelings finally. Ruou has always been confident about Miyako liking him. However, throughout the show, there has been no indication of how he feels about Miyako. It is likely that Ruou likes her because of his reaction to the events. There is a possibility that he feels inferior to Junpei as well. Thus, he might see himself as if it is getting overwhelming by him in this case.

Meanwhile, Miyako and Junpei can officially be called a couple. It appears that Miyako was hiding her feelings for him, and watching him dance with Natsuki has made her aware of them. However, this could cause an issue for the dancing pairs. Miyako is placed with Ruou, whereas Junpei will dance with Natsuki. Both the pairs complement each other very well. But this might pose a problem in Dance Dance Danseur Episode 9.

Dance Dance Danseur Episode 9

Previous Episode Recap!

Dance Dance Danseur Episode 8 began with a flashback scene of Ruou getting trained by his grandmother. He gets compared by Mazuru constantly. The episode shared moments of Ruou getting abused by his grandmother. The nightmare got interrupted when Junpei knocked on the door. He then took Ruou away from his place. They were then seen at the rehearsals. Miyako walked to Junpei and wished that they would be partners for the next bit.

However, since their heights have a huge difference, Miyako was paired with Ruou. On the other hand, Junpei got Natsuki. The duo were suspicious of each other and did not get along. However, soon they talked about their favorite performance, which helped them bond together. Junpei saw himself dancing freely with Natsuki. The episode reached its end when Junpei confessed to Miyako. Finally, Ruou was seen going home alone.

Dance Dance Danseur Episode 9

Dance Dance Danseur Episode 9: Release Date

It is possible that Ruou does not have feelings for Miyako. However, he compares himself with Junpei, which causes troubles in his life. So, Dance Dance Danseur Episode 9 will release on June 3, 2022. The series is available on Netflix for streaming. Thus, for more updates, stay tuned to The Anime Daily.