Date A Live Season 4 Episode 10: Killing Shido! Release Date & Plot
Date A Live Season 4 Episode 10 is one of the most anticipated outings of this week. The last week’s episode was a particularly serious outing. It was seen that Westcott had taken out the final verdict of killing Shido right then and there. At that point, he was dating Kurumi. But the lady was able to handle the situation on her own. Without any further ado, here is everything to know about the newest outing of Season 4.
The upcoming storyline will deal with the aftermath of the DEM attack. After neutralizing the attack, it will be Shido’s chance to strike back with full force. But does Westcott already have a plan up his sleeve? Well, the answer will come by soon enough.

Date A Live Season 4 Episode 10: What Will Happen Next?
The title of the 10th episode of Date A Live is “Girl Time.” As mentioned in the title, the episode will bring up a meeting between all the ladies that had dated Shido during the course of the fourth season. This will include an outing including Nia, Kurumi, Mukuro, and many other ladies. This is the first time that they would be talking about Shido. His qualities and flaws will all come to the table as this happens.
Along with this, the aftermath of the DEM attack. The authorities of the DEM, especially Westcott, will not be happy with the way things took place in front of them. Thus, a new plan to kill Shido will be in the making in Date A Live Season 4 Episode 10. Fans are already excited to see what happens when the two sides of the coin finally meet.

Previous Episode Recap!
The title of the ninth episode of Date A Live Season 4 is “Nightmare’s Seduction.” The episode started with Kurumi saying to Shido that he was open to taking away all her powers. Without giving it a second thought, Shido agreed to commence the process right away. On the other side of the story, Ellen and Artemisia got the orders from Westcott to kill Shido at sight. They were also given an army of Spirits to back up the project.
The DEM was about to charge an attack over Shido. But the forces were stopped by Mana then and there. It turned out that it was Kurumi’s clone who was orchestrating the rescue mission. In the final act of the episode, it was seen that Kurumi and Shido went on their first date after the DEM attack was settled. The episode ended with these two playing with cats to spend a leisurely time.

Date A Live Season 4 Episode 10: Release Date
The protagonist’s life is not getting any easier as time passes. But as the series comes to the end of another season, there is a chance that the existing storylines will come to a standstill. So, Date A Live Season 4 Episode 10 will release this week without any break. The episode will release on June 10, 2022. Fans will be able to catch all the episodes of the anime only on the official pages of Crunchyroll. Thus, keep an eye on The Anime Daily to get more intel on the same.