Dragon Ball Super Chapter 65: The Tide Turns Into Moro’s Favor

Dragon Ball Super is currently making our heroes face Moro, the intergalactic criminal.

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The previous chapters have shown us just how powerful he is, especially with his power absorbing abilities. In chapter 65, Goku’s act of kindness is going to turn against him.

Dragon Ball Super Chapter 65
Goku | Source: Fandom

Some spoilers of DBS chapter 65 have been leaked, and the situation doesn’t look too well. The senzu beam did its job, and Moro is now back to normal. However, he doesn’t just stop there and absorbs the power of someone unthinkable!


The orbs that Moro uses to absorb the abilities of others were supposedly destroyed by Merus. However, one orb was left.

After recovering from the battle with Goku, Moro’s cut hand, which had one orb, touches Merus—thus absorbing him. We should not forget that Merus is an angel with vast reserves of power.

If Moro acquires the powers of Merus, which one will he gain? Considering how powerful Merus is (not to mention he is immortal).

Merus has an unreadable ki and ultra instincts. He can predict the moves of opponents and dodge them without batting an eyelid.

These abilities in the hands of Moro will prove to be disastrous.

The spoiler shows Moro attacking Goku in a never seen before form.

Moro has changed form and is somehow big enough to engulf Goku in his mouth. He then discharges a beam of energy from his mouth, and Goku gets caught up in it.

Is it Merus’ powers that led to the shocking transformation of Moro? Merus is a very strong and capable angel and one of the best at that. What will happen now that his abilities are absorbed?

The massive blast that Goku is caught up in is likely to cause a lot of damage. However, Goku had mastered ultra instinct. Was he able to dodge the attack?

Dragon Ball Super 65: Is Goku Too Soft Or Is He Just Dumb?

Goku definitely needs a new powerup to defeat this new form of Moro. We will have to wait for the full chapter to release to know what will happen next.

About Dragon Ball Super

Dragon Ball Super came into serialization in June 2015, edited and illustrated by Akira Toriyama and his protege Toyotaru, respectively.

Dragon Ball Super Chapter 65
Beerus | Source: Fandom

Dragon Ball Super takes the DB universe to another level by introducing the long asleep God of Destruction, Beerus.

Beerus initially decides to decimate Earth but postpones his plans when discovering the fantastic food he had never eaten and hopes to fight Super Saiyajin God one day.

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