The official storyboards are finally out on the DBS official website. The Upcoming Dragon Ball Super Chapter 82 just Goku fight and Bardock’s story also gets retold.
The latest chapter has been absolutely amazing. Goku struggles even in his new form. He really needs to master his techniques better than this otherwise beating Gas won’t be possible.
There is also news of Dragon Ball Super Season 2 getting announced soon, and the upcoming DBS Chapter 82 will show if Goku can exceed his present limitations and properly use his intellect to fight.
The release of the new volume is nearing. Dragon Ball Super Volume 18 is coming out on April 4, 2022, and we are very excited. This is the volume that will contain the story of Bardock and Granolah’s fight against Gas. We hope it will perform well.
The movie, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero is coming up. It too releases in April. We are super excited about it. The narrative is set on earth and the Red Ribbon Army, which kid Goku demolished, is resurfacing.

Since it will be on earth, we expect appearances from all the major human characters. And hopefully, Piccolo will get a good role. He really is a fan-favorite character.
Currently, the main theme of the series is a bit sketchy. Goku and Vegeta are those who train constantly. They have done this their whole life and even now, they keep it up.
However, in this arc, we see how easy it can be to gain power. With a simple wish, Gas can match up to Goku and Vegeta. Granolah did the same.
We are hoping that the series maintains its training theme. The hard work demonstrated by the character is a major part of the series’ success. People idolize them for their dedication to training. We are hoping, hard work wins in the end.
In Dragon Ball Super 82 English Chapter, we will be seeing the battle of Instant Teleportation. Can Goku edge out Gas with his mastery of the technique? Or will Gas dominate once again since he has had immense power granted to him? We will find out.
Dragon Ball Super Chapter 82 Release Date
The upcoming V Jump issue, that is, the one for March, is coming soon. In it, we will receive the raw scans of Dragon Ball Super 82. The chapter is coming around March 15, 2022.
The early storyboards are out on the Dragon Ball Super official website and it hints at Bardock’s story getting retold.
Just like Boruto, Dragon Ball Super does not get fan translations either. Maybe this is because of the rarity of V Jump or the quick release of the official version, we can’t say. Still, the lack of piracy is a good thing!
We recommend you check out the official English release of Dragon Ball Super Chapter 82, on March 20, 2022, the same day as Boruto Chapter 68.
There are 3 legal sources for this and they are viz website, mangaplus website, and the shonen jump app. And mind you, all of them are free!
Dragon Ball Super Manga 82 Predictions
Vegeta may act all distant and unattached but deep down, he always puts his faith in Goku. He realizes that Goku can get things done. Kakarot is strong!
In Dragon Ball Super Chapter 82 spoilers, we will see how Vegeta further assists Goku in this mission. Although at this point, he can’t fight anymore.
What happened to Granolah?
We are very eager to see the fate of Granolah in Dragon Ball Super 82. Will he survive? In this chapter, he tried to go against Elec, and that cost him dearly. Gas massacred his arms and then shot his eyes.
Without the eyes, Granolah loses so much of his power.
And all of this was capped by Elec shooting him from behind. We hope to see Granolah survive this ordeal to come back and pay the Heeters what’s due. It will be very satisfying to see Granolah get his revenge.
In the end, he is a good guy who has lost so much. Compared to that, the Heeters are mostly scum.
What is Goku doing?
With Granolah struggling to survive, and Vegeta exhausted from battle, it falls on Goku to handle Gas. The powered-up Gas is incredibly strong and he listens to Elec. Elec means to execute all these people. Hence, it is high time for Goku to beat these people.
However, that is far from easy. Even with the energy he received from Vegeta, Goku has to struggle. Gas fights him with a lot of tools and he tests the limits of his abilities.
They are so diverse that Goku has his hands full simply from keeping up with it.
Interestingly, Gas says that when he fought Bardock, he saw a certain fire, a certain resolve in the eyes of the man. And that contributed towards Bardock winning.
However, Goku has nothing like that. In Dragon Ball Super Manga 82 raw scans, we might get to see whether Goku can strengthen his resolve.
What is Goku’s plan?
Monaito barely managed to heal Granolah. Gas tried to execute him on spot but this was when Goku teleported him away. Goku teleports to Jaco, on a nearby planet.
It seems that his plan is that of a cat and mouse chase.
Goku forces Gas to keep up with his instant teleportation, something in which the former thinks he is superior. In Dragon Ball Super Chapter 82 English scans, we will get to see for real if Gas can keep up with Goku, and following that, we will see how their fight continues.
Dragon Ball Super 82 Spoilers
The official teaser spoilers of DBS 82 will be out within the next week. And a couple of days after that, we will receive the leaks, which will lead to more spoilers.
We ask you to wait patiently until March 15, 2022, because that is when you can have the confirmed spoilers for the whole chapter. We will post them in this section for you.