Dragon Ball Super Manga: Who’s the rumored strongest person in the galaxy?
With an insane chapter 87, the Dragon Ball Super manga finally wrapped up the Granolah arc. Now that the DBS manga is on hiatus, fans can really delve into discussions about that last chapter, which has really given us a lot to unpack.
Planet Cereal got a surprise visit from one of Dragon Ball’s favorite antagonists – Frieza.
Yes, our Emperor Lord Frieza is back! But he isn’t the same old Frieza we know – something is different about him, more menacing … more powerful. His new form, Black Frieza, literally kills Gas and Elec, and one-shots Goku and Vegeta in their Ultra forms.
In chapter 68, the Oracle Fish had prophesized that “the strongest warrior in the universe will soon rise up” shifting the balance of Universe 7. Chapter 87 is called The Universe’s Strongest Appears.
So, is Frieza the one the Oracle Fish was talking about?
At the end of chapter 87, Whis says that the Oracle Fish was perhaps talking about Frieza, but maybe “the strongest warrior emerged elsewhere in our universe.” This indicates that the rumored strongest person could either be Frieza, Goku, Vegeta, or someone else entirely.
1. Is the strongest person in the universe Frieza?
Frieza is currently the strongest person in the universe having killed Gas, but he may or may not be the one the Oracle Fish had spoken about.
When Goku asks Whis in chapter 87 whether Frieza was the one, Whis replies saying, “Hmmm… perhaps. Or maybe…”

He defeated the former strongest character, Gas, entered a new transformation after 10-years-worth of training, and crushed fully healed Goku and Vegeta in their strongest forms.
Further, him being introduced in the last chapter of the arc before the series went on hiatus only builds on the reasoning. Why else would they bring Frieza back?
At the same time, if it really was Frieza, they wouldn’t have included that last scene with Whis at all; it would’ve been obvious that Frieza was the new strongest warrior that the Oracle Fish predicted since he not only defeated Gas, but also Goku and Vegeta.
After Whis’s statement, Goku seems to become motivated again. He says, “Really?! Great, I guess I’d better get back to training.” If Frieza was 100% confirmed strongest, Goku wouldn’t have been this enthusiastic.
So at this point, Black Frieza might simply be a result of Goku telling Frieza to train so he could fight him again after his defeat as Golden Frieza.
And now that Goku was defeated by Frieza, maybe it’s Goku’s chance to power up again. That’s what Dragon Ball has been about anyway: A is stronger than B until B transforms and is stronger than A – and then the whole cycle repeats.
Apart from Whis’s scene at the end of the manga, everything else points to Frieza being the new strongest being in the galaxy.
2. Is the strongest person in the universe Goku?
It’s possible that Goku acquires a totally new power-up that makes him stronger than Black Frieza and thus the strongest warrior in the universe.
Goku is Dragon Ball’s protagonist and is the one character who has consistently been getting stronger and defeating enemies who, at one point, seemed invincible.

Goku in a few years could surpass his current Mastered/True Ultra Instinct power. Goku and Vegeta have been training on Beerus’s planet anyway; what is stopping them from going at it harder after what happened with Black Frieza?
The prophecy also says “strongest warrior” and this phrase fits perfectly to Goku – there’s nobody who is as much a warrior as Goku, always training to surpass his limits and grow more powerful.
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3. Is the strongest person in the universe Vegeta?
There is a good chance the Oracle Fish was talking about Vegeta. He has been destined to be the rival of Beerus himself and strong enough to hold the title of God of Destruction in another universe.
Vegeta’s Ultra Ego is super impressive – even though it didn’t hold up against Black Frieza. Like Goku, training with Beerus would be the perfect way that he rises to become the strongest warrior.

Although Vegeta hasn’t mastered UE, and there is a possibility that he does so in the time period between the end of Granolah arc and the next arc. And who knows, maybe even beat Goku.
As for the Oracle Fish’s prophecy, Vegeta has as good a chance as being the strongest warrior as Goku.
4. Is the strongest person in the universe Gohan?
Since we don’t know for certain that the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero film is canon, we can’t be certain whether Beast Gohan exists in the main story. If he does, there’s a strong possibility that he’s the strongest person in the universe, as foretold by the Oracle Fish.
Toriyama, during the promotion of the latest DBS film, said that “Gohan is actually stronger than anyone else.”

But, with what we saw in the film, it didn’t seem too convincing. I mean sure Gohan was able to take down Cell Max, but there is no way he could surpass his dad, at least not in his strongest form.
I don’t think there’s any way that Gohan, even Beast Gohan, can defeat MUI Goku or UE Vegeta.
But … given how the creators are releasing cinematic content and pacing in the manga, the most logical explanation is that Gohan is the one the Oracle Fish is talking about.
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Some manga readers are also convinced that they drew out the manga as long as possible so the movie came out before the last chapter.
Another reason Gohan might be the one is that Gohan, as a character, has always been hyped by the creators. Toriyama mentioned that Gohan was one of his favorites.
Additionally, there has always been a kind of gravity placed on Gohan since the beginning, what with him being considered the character having the highest potential, being able to potentially beat his father one day.
This will only be possible if we consider that Gohan is going to train and further unlock his latent potential.
DBS: Super Hero chronologically takes place a couple of years after the Granolah arc, so maybe Gohan perfects his beast form to live up to his creator’s statements. IF the movie is canon, that is.
5. Is the strongest person in the universe Broly?
If there’s one character that people love unanimously from DBS it’s Broly. The Oracle Fish may have been talking about Broly. We know he’s incredibly powerful, and that he was training in the Dragon Ball Super: Broly movie.
Super Saiyan Broly is able to fight Goku and Vegeta in their Perfected Super Saiyan Blue forms at the same time. He is the reason the two are forced to fuse into Gogeta.

A newly trained Broly, for example Broly going SSJ2 or beyond, would be a great counter for Black Frieza.
Especially after the events in the Broly movie where Frieza tried to use Broly as a foot soldier. In Super Hero, Goku took Broly to Beerus’s planet to hide him from Frieza.
Broly 2.0 having trained on Earth and then on Beerus’s could master full control over himself and probably rise as the universe’s strongest.
6. Is the strongest person in the universe Jiren?
Jiren is as good a candidate as Broly to be the strongest warrior the Oracle Fish was talking about. He is considered the strongest person in the 8th multiverse, surpassing even Universe 11’s God of Destruction.

Although Jiren was beaten by MUI Goku, I believe it’s going to take just one more transformation for him to completely blow apart the power scale. It’s been a while since the Tournament of Power so there’s nothing stopping us from believing that Jiren has become far stronger.
Even during the tournament, there was no mortal apart from Goku who could even touch Jiren. MUI made Goku unbeatable, but otherwise, Jiren can single-handedly best groups of opponents.
We also know that Jiren is mostly self-taught; if he by chance begins formally training, dude can definitely rise up as the strongest in the universe.
7. Is the strongest person in the universe Uub?
Uub, the human reincarnation of the djinn Kid Buu, is a probable candidate for the strongest warrior in the galaxy and the one the Oracle Fish had prophesized about.
Currently, Uub is nothing, but if he awakens his God power and fuses withBuu’s full powers, he will become extremely powerful.

According to divination by the Oracle Fish, the strongest warrior isn’t currently anywhere near that power, because the prophecy says they will “soon rise up”.
This fits perfectly with Uub – or even Goten.
8. Is the strongest person in the universe a new character?
The strongest warrior in the galaxy is most likely a new character we haven’t seen before who will rise to prominence in the next arc.
This is highly probable since the recent new characters introduced in the last two arcs like Moro, Gas, and Granolah have been powerhouses.

The new character could be a Super Saiyan God, since we are already familiar with the kind of power that entails – Goku, after the Super Saiyan God ritual, gives even Beerus a satisfying fight.
Whoever this rumored strongest person is, they’re not going to emerge until October or November, which is when the new arc will release.
Right now, though, Black Frieza deserves all the hype he can get.
9. About Dragon Ball Super
Dragon Ball Super came into serialization in June 2015, edited and illustrated by Akira Toriyama and his protege Toyotaru, respectively.
Dragon Ball Super takes the DB universe to another level by introducing the long asleep God of Destruction, Beerus.
Beerus initially decided to decimate Earth but postpones his plans when discovering the fantastic food he had never eaten. He also hopes to fight Super Saiyajin God one day.
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