Dragon Ball Super: Vegeta Powers up to God of Destruction Against Granolah

Dragon Ball Super is known for Goku and Vegeta competing to gain God-like abilities. In Chapter 74, did Vegeta finally pull off his trump card and transform into a God of Destruction?

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Vegeta has been training under Beerus for quite some time. Goku was also simultaneously trained by Merus. However, this chapter is making me speculate that Vegeta might have surpassed Goku for once!

After Granolah knocks out Goku, Vegeta takes his place. Unfortunately, Granolah is blinded by rage and will not see reason. This, however, is a positive development for Vegeta, who has always longed for a battle where he can go all out.

With no responsibility of a planet to protect and a strong opponent, Vegeta has let go of his constraints to face Granolah head-on. 

Thus, Vegeta transforms, and Goku confirms that his chi has changed. In fact, it is like God’s chi!

In the next chapter, Goku is going to reveal just what he finds similar to Vegeta’s power-up in the next chapter. His new power is derived solely from instinct. Did he finally master Beerus’ technique?

After years of following Dragon Ball manga, a pattern has formed in battles. A pattern in which Vegeta always gets a powerup but gets defeated after a valiant effort while Goku steps in to save the day.

Dragon Ball Super 72: Goku Combines Ultra Instinct with Super Saiyan God

Thus, I am really hoping that Vegeta comes out the victor from this bout. Vegeta has more battle experience, and Granolah’s lack of it leaves him vulnerable.

Granola’s power is also rejected by many since he got it by wishing for it and did not actually earn it.

The next chapter will show Vegeta’s bloodlust at its fullest, and I hope you are ready for it!

About Dragon Ball Super

Dragon Ball Super came into serialization in June 2015, edited and illustrated by Akira Toriyama and his protege Toyotaru, respectively.

Dragon Ball Super takes the DB universe to another level by introducing the long asleep God of Destruction, Beerus.

Beerus initially decided to decimate Earth but postpones his plans when discovering the fantastic food he had never eaten. He also hopes to fight Super Saiyajin God one day.

Source: Dragon Ball Super Chapter 74 

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