It has been officially announced that the popular manga series “Duel Masters LOST ~Crystal of Remembrance~” written by Shigenobu Matsumoto and illustrated by Hiroshi Kanebayashi will be adapted into an anime this fall, which has generated excitement among fans. The manga series is serialized in Weekly CoroCoro Comic, a well-known manga magazine published by Shogakukan.
The story follows the protagonist, Win Sashifuda, who has lost all memories of his past and lives in Shinjuku, Tokyo, where many mysterious incidents occur frequently, with people suddenly disappearing. Despite his efforts to fit in with his surroundings at high school and his part-time job, he struggles to find his place and spends his days hanging out in the park at night with his classmates, Niika, and friends, in a depressed state. However, everything changes when he meets Krista, a mysterious transfer student who knows everything about him, but the story’s twists and turns leave viewers on the edge of their seats.
The anime adaptation of “Duel Masters LOST ~Crystal of Remembrance~” will be produced by J.C.STAFF, a well-known Japanese animation studio.
The teaser visual released for the anime depicts Win, Niika, and Krista standing in a park in Shinjuku, with Emperor Jashin lurking in the shadows of Winn, and the collapsed city of Shinjuku visible in the background. The teaser visual is a perfect representation of the series’ dark, suspenseful atmosphere and its dynamic characters.
The story follows the protagonist, Win Sashifuda, who has lost all memories of his past and lives in Shinjuku, Tokyo, where many mysterious incidents occur frequently, with people suddenly disappearing. Despite his efforts to fit in with his surroundings at high school and his part-time job, he struggles to find his place and spends his days hanging out in the park at night with his classmates, Niika, and friends, in a depressed state. However, everything changes when he meets Krista, a mysterious transfer student who knows everything about him, but the story’s twists and turns leave viewers on the edge of their seats.
The special report video released also revealed the character voices which has generated excitement among fans. The voice actors’ performance will undoubtedly add to the authenticity of the characters and the overall viewing experience.
Win Sashifuda , played by Shotaro Uzawa.
Emperor Jashin, played by Wataru Hatano
In addition to the anime announcement, it was also revealed that the special movie “Guiding” for the new series “Royal Road Edition” of “Duel Masters” will be released on March 31st. Produced by J.C. STAFF, the movie’s theme song is by the music project Tsukiyo composed by Yurii Kanon. The trailer for the movie has also been released, which features stunning visuals and music that perfectly captures the mood of the series.
In conclusion, fans are eagerly waiting for both the anime adaptation and the special movie, and they are excited to see how the story of “Duel Masters LOST ~Crystal of Remembrance~” will unfold on the screen.