Earwig and the Witch Gears Up for a Theatrical Release with New Trailer
The Covid-19 pandemic had quite the effect on the cinema industry throughout the world.
A large number of movies in Japan resorted to online movie release with one of the major victim being Studio Ghibli’s first ever 3D CG film “Earwig and the Witch.” This anime movie was released on Japanese TV channel NHK General on December 30.
It seems a lot of movie goers missed out on this Ghibli magic, so, the production team has finally decided to release Earwig and the Witch in theaters.
Earwig and the Witch is finally hitting Japanese theatre screens on April 29. This awesome news was accompanied by a new trailer that showcases some new footage from the movie.
You can clearly see Earwig is not a big fan of her new adopted witch family. And is trying her hardest to adjust to the new lifestyle accompanied by new companion, a talking cat.
If you’re wondering about the story, Earwig and the Witch is based off of Diana Wynne Jones’ novel of the same name.
Its main protagonist is Earwig, a little orphan girl, who gets adopted into a new family. But, little does she know they are witches. She will try her hardest to fit her new lifestyle.
Another good news for all the US folks.More than 430 theatres throughout the United States have been screening this Studio Ghibli creation as of February 3rd.
Earwig and the Witch has even ranked #11 in its opening week and earned a revenue of over US$99,941.
Other than the US, Australia, South America, Central America, and parts of Europe will soon screen this CGI movie.
Earwig and the Witch: Previews The English Sub and Dub Version Trailer
I can hardly wait to see the reception the movie receives once it hits the theater screens soon.
About Earwig and the Witch
The original novel, written by Diana Wynne Jones, was published by HarperCollins in 2011.

The story follows Earwig (Aya in the Japanese version), who enjoys living in St. Morwald’s Home for Children. She was dropped by the orphanage’s doorstep as a baby and was well looked after.
One day she gets adopted by a strange couple, who locks her in a mysterious house with magic in every corner of it. She decides to break free from the house, teaching a lesson to the evil witch.
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