Fantasy series Sword Art Online Alicization now on Netflix
Sword Art Online has finally brought the Alicization adventure to an end with the War of the Underworld.
The fantasy series spans three seasons, with the third adapting the Alicization arc, and fans might feel withdrawal from the story set in after just finishing it.

However, Sword Art Online: Alicization (2018-19) will now be streaming on Netflix in USA.
With this, fans can now go back to where it all started and binge it all the way through on the streaming site.
Watch the entire Sword Art Online series in the Correct Order!
The third season in the SAO franchise will include the first half of the Alicization saga, including the Beginning, Rising, and Uniting phases of the anime.

These episodes will include the subbed and English dubbed release of the season. Though not entirely, the dubs are caught up to the fight with the Administrator at the end.
About Sword Art Online
Based on a light novel series written by Reki Kawahara, the story takes place in the near future, within virtual reality MMORPG worlds.
At the launch of the game, 10,000 people had connected themselves to the virtual reality of Sword Art Online. The plot takes a dark turn when people realize that they can’t quit the game.
Protagonist Kirito, a pro gamer present for the beta launch of SAO, starts planning to clear levels as soon as possible. Throughout his quest to finish the game, he meets many friends and Asuna.
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