Fate/kaleid Liner Prisma Illya gets A Sequel Immediately after Second Film
Fate/kaleid Liner Prisma Illya the Movie Licht – The Nameless Girl has just hit the theaters and the fans couldn’t be any happier. To add to that joy, this is not the last of the franchise.
Unlike the other Fate spinoffs, KALMIA strays away from the tournament arc format involving masters and servants. Instead, it is a magical girl story where they can borrow powers from the servants we know and love.
The franchise has four seasons worth of anime, two movies, and now they are ready to offer more.
A sequel for the Fate/kaleid Liner Prisma Illya franchise was announced during the commemorative stage event for the Fate/kaleid Liner Prisma Illya the Movie Licht – The Nameless Girl.
Today, the movie version “Prisma ☆ Ilya Licht “The Nameless Girl” stage greeting was given. Therefore…
“Prisma ︎ Illya ”series
Sequel production decision
Was announced! Still “Prisma ☆ Ilya Licht “A Girl Without a Name” If you haven’t seen it, please take a look at the theater!http://anime.prisma-illya.jp/movie/3
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This news is hardly surprising considering how the manga still has some material to offer and the movie’s cliffhanger ending. The sequel will most likely be another movie considering how the manga isn’t far ahead to pull off another season.

KALMIA might be a magical girl show, but do not mistake it for something meant for kids. The story tends to feature dark themes from time to time, the latest example being the recent film.
How To Watch Fate Anime? A Complete Watch Order Guide
The latest film focuses on the story of Beatrice and Julian, where we get to discover the motivation behind their actions. Considering all the messed-up things Julian pulls off during the story, this does redeem him a little bit.
Illya does come back in the limelight though when she faces off against Julian in an epic final battle, whose conclusion left everybody wondering what’s going to happen next? Only time can tell.
About Fate Series
Fate/stay night is a Japanese visual novel developed by Type-Moon, released initially as an adult game for Windows.
The story revolves around Shirou Emiya, an honest and hardworking teen who is forced to enter The Fifth Holy Grail War.
In this deathmatch tournament, participants fight with magical abilities, as the winner gets to chance to have their desires come to life. Following a near-death experience, he meets Saber, an artificial personification of the legend Arturia Pendragon, designed to help the participants.
Source: Fate/kaleid Liner Prisma Illya Official Website
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