The official website for the TV anime adaptation of Negi Haruba’s Go! Go! Loser Ranger (Sentai Daishikkaku) manga released the anime’s third promotional video on Sunday. The video includes the ending theme song “Seikai wa Iranai” (Don’t Need the Right Answer) by Akari Nanawo and gives a glimpse of the characters who will be introduced in the “Pylon Exam arc,” beginning in the fifth episode airing on May 12.
On Sunday, the anime’s official Twitter account introduced two new characters and their voice actors. Masako Nozawa, known for voicing Goku in Dragon Ball, voices the Dragon Ranger mascot Draggie-kun. Hōchū Ohtsuka, known for his role as Sakonji Urokodaki in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, voices Lord Peltrola, a sneaky lieutenant of the villainous army who has infiltrated the rangers.
What is Go! Go! Loser Ranger! About?
Disney describes the plot of Go! Go! Loser Ranger as:
“What if the 13-year-long battle for survival that had been ongoing between the monsters and the Ranger Force was a farce all along? With their old hideout and bosses wiped out, the surviving Dusters make a secret agreement with the Ranger Force to engage in the weekly Sunday Showdown – one where they will always be defeated. Tired of this charade, Fighter D finally steps up to make a change once and for all!”
Meanwhile, Kodansha USA describes it as:
Attention Power Rangers fans! The heroes become the villains and the villains are… well, they’re still the villains in this action-comedy from Negi Haruba, creator of The Quintessential Quintuplets. Follow one plucky villain as he plots to take down the oppressive rangers and finally fulfill his dream of taking over the world!
Cast and Staff
Keiichi Sato directs Go! Go! Loser Ranger anime, with Keichiro Ohchi handling the screenplay. Kahoko Kosei is the character designer, and Kenji Hayama serves as the animation supervisor. The main cast, previously announced, features Yusuke Kobayashi as Footsoldier D, Daishi Kajita as Hibiki Sakurama, and Yumika Yano as Yumeko Suzukiri. Azumi Waki, Yuichi Nakamura, Hina Yomiya, Akari Kito, Seiichiro Yamashita, and Hiroyuki Yoshino also lend their voices to characters in the Go! Go! Loser Ranger anime.
The opening theme is “Jikai Yokoku” by Tatsuya Kitani, while the ending theme is “Seikai wa Iranai” by Akari Nanawo.
Go! Go! Loser Ranger debuted on April 7 and is now available for streaming on Disney+ and Hulu.