Golden Kamuy Chapter 315: Manga Ends With A Celebratory Art! New Release Date

The queries about Golden Kamuy Chapter 315 are increasing with each passing day. Fans who had been waiting to read the conclusion of the story are now looking forward to reading a new chapter. In most cases, mangas do tend to release side stories, and special chapters are the conclusion of the story. Thus, the demand for the new chapter is increasing by the day. So, when is the chapter releasing? What will be the plot? Here are all the details that you need to know about it.

The Golden Kamuy manga is created by Satoru Noda. In the year 2014, Shueisha published the first chapters in the Young Jump Comics. Until April 28, 2022, the manga launched the final chapter in the series. Now, fans are looking forward to the next project in the chain.

Golden Kamuy Chapter 315

Golden Kamuy Chapter 315: Last Art By Mangaka

In commemoration of the conclusion of the story of Golden Kamuy, Satoru Noda had the best plan in mind. This week, the artist took to his social media accounts to share a memorable art from the manga. This art was a snow piece created by a Hokkaido-based artist. It was revealed that the man used his foot to trace the entire art on bare snow. The piece is 100 x 70 meters in dimension. Moreover, the title of the work is “The Snow Comic.”

The effort soon came to the notice of the manga author, and he took charge of sharing it all over. The picture of the art was shared as an advertisement in Shinagawa and Shinjuku in Tokyo. In addition, fans all over the world are praising and applauding the work.

Golden Kamuy Chapter 315

What Is The Future Of The Manga?

As of the last update, there is no news about the return of the Golden Kamuy Manga, let aside Golden Kamuy Chapter 315. The only project that has been greenlit since then is the live-action project. This, too, is under the speculation radar as of the latest update. Thus, it is safe to say that the manga has bid the final goodbye to the fans. But there is no need to fret as there are more anime seasons to come in the future.

Golden Kamuy Chapter 315

Golden Kamuy Chapter 315: Release Details

As of the time of writing, there are no particular updates about the next chapter’s release. Golden Kamuy Chapter 315 has not been announced just yet. In addition, spin-offs and prequels are also on the waiting list. Thus, fans must make up their mind for a long wait this year. Only after a short hiatus will the author release any public information about the project. We will be sure to update this section as soon as there is more intel on the same. Thus, stay in touch with The Anime Daily.