Greatest Anime Gentlemen

This is a complete guide of the most respectable men in anime and manga.

Might Guy (Naruto)

Might Guy (Naruto)

The majority of Leaf Village ninjas in the Naruto anime adhere to a code of honor in the shonen tradition that places a premium on cooperation, camaraderie, honesty, and bravery. Kakashi Hatake and his enthusiastic competitor, the martial artist Might Guy, are only two examples of the many characters who live up to this ideal.

Might Guy is proud of his three students and their achievements, and he boasts about them. Might Guy can be dead serious even when he’s acting like a himbo, and he’ll never compromise his awe-inspiring values for anything. He also holds his sworn enemy, Kakashi, in the highest regard and the two are the best of friends.

Tanjiro Kamado (Demon Slayer)

Tanjiro Kamado (Demon Slayer)

There is an army of demon slayers in Demon Slayer, all armed to the teeth with swords. They are tasked with protecting humanity against the nightmare armies of Muzan Kibutsuji, and they must do so with courage, discipline, and honor. Tanjiro Kamado, our protagonist, is one of those who will compete fiercely but honestly.

Tanjiro is a demon hunter that cares about others and is honest and selfless. When he sees someone doing poorly, he is quick to point out their faults. When Inosuke started fighting for no reason, Tanjiro raised his voice in protest.

Thors Snorresson (Vinland Saga)

Thors Snorresson (Vinland Saga)

Most Vikings in Vinland Saga were portrayed as ruthless pirates and thugs. If it meant acquiring gold and supplies, they would attack anyone and wipe out entire villages. Thors Snorresson, however, got tired of combat and eventually pretended to die so that he might escape from the Jomsvikings.

Thors understood, as only the wise can, that there are no genuine opponents and that violence is never justifiable. When Askeladd’s group confronted him in the Faroe Islands, Thors put away his blade and never killed again. Askeladd, however, didn’t care about honor so long as he won, and so he ordered Thors’ death.

Mumen Rider (One-Punch Man)

Mumen Rider (One-Punch Man)

Mumen Rider is an incredibly popular and motivating character in the One-Punch Man series. Having the honor, courage, and conviction of a great hero allows him to see defeat as a moral victory.

Mumen Rider had no hope of winning against the Deep Sea King, yet he faced him nevertheless. In that regard, he declared victory long ago. The horrified crowd cheered him on for that, even though Mumen Rider was quickly defeated.

Eijiro Kirishima (My Hero Academia)

Eijiro Kirishima (My Hero Academia)

In My Hero Academia, Eijiro Kirishima, a first-year student, is driven by a desire to emulate Crimson Riot and become a hero worthy of everyone’s respect and admiration. Unlike his explosive friend Katsuki Bakugo, Eijiro understands that true manhood can never be attained via aggression or self-interest.

Eijiro is stern but fair; he never points the finger of blame at others or complains about his circumstances. Like when he and Tetsutetsu shook hands and became friendly rivals, Eijiro is a firm believer in playing by the rules.